Choosing Employee Recognition Gifts

Are you looking for employee recognition ideas? Whether you want to provide a tangible reward to employees for doing an outstanding job, develop a tradition of awarding certain types of company logo items for reaching years of service milestones, or if you are looking for a way to formally recognize other types of accomplishments and contributions to the company, there are a number of options available to you.

Two Important Considerations Choosing Employee Recognition Gifts

1. Price is Not the Important Part

These types of gifts don’t have to be expensive to be meaningful. The best employee recognition ideas are often the ones that don’t cost much at all. What matters is not how much you pay for the items that you give, but how well-received the employee recognition ideas you choose are by the employees and how meaningful they are within the context of your organization.

2. Consistency is Key

If you start giving out awards for certain types of accomplishments or milestones, you need to be prepared to continue doing so. That’s what will make the awards meaningful. If you give “years of service” pins one year, for example, but fail to do so the next year, you lose the benefit of having employees get excited about being recognized for their loyalty.

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