Reach New Potential Customer Groups

If you want to grow your business, one of the best things you can do is take steps to expose potential new customers to the products and services that your business has to offer.

A Few Ways to Reach New Prospects

There are a number of ways you can going about getting your wares in front of prospective new customers. A few options to consider include:

  • Coupon Offers: Establish a few discount opportunities and provide referral coupons to your existing customers that they can share with their friends and other contacts, and include an incentive to reward your current customers who participate. Also consider participating in web-based coupons through popular email and social media platforms.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Make sure that it’s easy for people who are looking for what you have to offer to find your company online by doing an SEO overhaul on your website. Check your analytics reports carefully to get a sense of what you need to do or hire a professional firm to create and implement a plan for you.
  • Online Store: Create an online store and add a shopping cart to your website to make it as easy as possible to purchase from your business via the Internet.

Reasons for Small Business Owners to Use a Link Building Service

You’ve heard about companies that offer link building service, but you aren’t sure why you might need one. After all, you already have a website. Won’t potential customers find you online through your website? How is getting a few links here or there going to help customers find you? If that’s how you feel about the importance of using a link building service, that actually speaks to exactly why you do need to consider hiring a professional company to take care of this important task for you. Having a website is important – but once you have one – it’s all about search engine optimization: making sure your site is properly optimized for search engine results.

Generating links to your website is all about search engine optimization – taking important behind-the-scenes steps necessary to convince the search engines to show your website at or near the top of the rankings for key terms that are relevant to your business and to your customers. The more quality links that exist that are pointing to your website, the more credibility your website has with the search engines. The more credibility your site has, the higher it will rank in relevant results. The higher your site ranks in relevant results, the more likely it is that customers will find you when they need what you have to offer.

Link building is time consuming and it requires skill, diligence and know-how, but it is truly a critical aspect of online marketing. To give your website the best possible chance of delivering the results that you want and need, it only makes sense to allow a professional link building service to take care of this important marketing strategy for you.

Bring the Fresh: Quality Affiliate Marketing Training

Are you trying to figure out how to start making money via affiliate marketing programs? If you’re just getting started, cutting through all of the “get rich quick” clutter that’s floating around online to find a resource that can really provide you with useful information can certainly seem overwhelming. It’s hard to separate what information has value from so-called affiliate marketing programs that really don’t provide anything useful.

You’re better off turning to an affiliate marketing training program that has been around for a while and that has a reputation for helping members and subscribers learn what they need to know to get ahead in the world of affiliate marketing. Instead of turning to a website operated by some nameless façade, you’re better off turning to a system that you’re sure is presented by someone who truly has an expertise in affiliate marketing and a passion for helping entrepreneurs learn how to make money online.

That’s where comes in. This unique website is owned by Kelly Felix, the well known affiliate marketing expert that created the Rich Jerk website, which has the well-earned reputation of being one of the top rated and most effective affiliate marketing training programs of all times. When you subscribe to this site, you can be sure that you’re learning what you need to know from true experts who have put the principles they are presenting to the test with real-world online marketing programs.

Top Resources for Gaining Internet Marketing Knowledge

Basic knowledge of Internet marketing and how it works will be needed regardless of what niche you have decided on for earning money on line. Once the decision has been made to try and earn a living from home on the Internet then everyone has to begin somewhere. Whether you have been running a computer for years or just got your first one and are not even sure how to turn it on yet.

Depending on what you choose to do, you will need to learn skills on various levels such as how to fill out a simple form for advertising what you are selling to possibly learning how to create and upload web files to your hosting server. Getting the knowledge you will need can be as simple as a search on one of the major search engines. But you will need to know where to start with your search.

Below you will find some of the top resources I have used to learn the skills I needed to earn money from the Internet.

Ezines -

This was the number one place I started. You will find a host of quality ezines that can give you much needed training from the basics to the more complex areas of Internet marketing. Begin with the top marketing majors that have been there and are already making a living on line. You will know them when you see them. Most are highly advertised and can easily be researched to have been in Internet Marketing for some time. For example I began with the Internet Marketing Center’s “Marketing Tips Newsletter” (The top training resource in 1997 and continues to this day at being one of the best knowledge sources for both beginners and pros alike). This of course was just one of about 5 I read faithfully each time it came out. Don’t overload yourself in this area though. Keep it to a few so that it does not dominate your time.

Forums -

Another very good place to start. Plus a top benefit of this resource is you can join your choice of topic related discussions and ask specifically what it is you are trying to gain knowledge in. Benefiting from targeted training in that area. Stick with popular, high membership forums, which will increase your chance of getting the help you need quickly.

Training Courses -

This resource can be in the form of an extensive training courses to something as simple as a free report. I have learned tremendous profit generating knowledge from both. Some of the simplest reports will surprise you with little golden nuggets of knowledge that you might not find any where else.

Mentor Training -

By definition this is “A wise and trusted counselor or teacher”. Again you will know one when you run on to one. Once you do latch on and never let go. They can be one of your most valuable resources for learning what you need to know to succeed in your area of marketing. While there are many ways of getting mentor training and usually is in a one on one environment. There can be different levels of this and doesn’t necessarily have to be face to face. Take some of your best affiliate programs for example. View their back offices and you will find a host of information personally from the owner of that program. As well as the top ezines you belong to. This type of training is more on a personal level then you may have thought it was. They are teaching you based on what they have learned and how they took that training and used it to succeed with reaching their own goals.

Sites you have purchased needed services from – For example your web host will or should have extensive tutorials on how to transfer files from your computer to your hosted server via FTP, what program is best to do this with, and in some cases specific step by step instructions on how to do it with each of those programs. They will also cover everything from setting up your email accounts for various email software to how to unzip files and so on.

In conclusion I think it is important to state that no one can do everything. So stick with your strengths and don’t overload yourself. Do what you are comfortable with and leave what you aren’t, comfortable with, to the experts. If you can design a good site and get it up, but are overwhelmed with how to advertise it, hire someone to do this for you. That is their niche, free yourself to pursue your niche and let them handle what you don’t have time to learn. Get good at what your strengths are and you could easily find yourself being hired for your expertise in a given area.

That is the beauty of each of us having individual talents.

Sincerely, Debbie Ducker

About the Author
Debbie Ducker is the owner of

And author of many articles and How To marketing
materials. Get her free report on building and using
an opt-in list here:

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So You Want to Become an Internet Marketer

So you want to become an internet marketer. That is wonderful, but there are some very important steps you’re going to have to take first if you truly want to become successful.

The first of these steps is to realize that as an internet marketer you are no longer a consumer which means you have to stop buying things. Now that may not make any sense at first glance, but the truth is that one of the reasons that 97% of the people fail online is because they do not differentiate between those two entirely different behaviors.

Despite what you will read over and over you do not need to buy every new fangled system or program that promises to make you wealthy. That is not to say that you won’t have to spend any money, but how long are you going to last spending more money than you are making?

The next step is only necessary if you cannot grasp the first step. Cut up your credit cards. Seriously! If you are the type of person who can be convinced that coaching lessons, incorporating your business, and hiring an accountant should all be financed through the use of your credit card stop yourself now.

There are plenty of people online who are willing to share their experiences for free so you do not need to spend thousands of dollars on lessons of dubious value. There will be a time where the second two items have some value, but they are not at all necessary at the beginning no matter how hard they try to convince you otherwise.

It is far more important that you take the time to do market research. Find out whether there is a want or need for what you are wanting to market online. Do not fail to take this very important step or you will find yourself racking up expenses against little or no income. Too many people, myself included have started with a product they want to sell. It is far more important to find out what people are willing to buy and sell them that.

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