Putting Together a Perfect Trade Show Display

Have you finally gotten the go-ahead to spruce up your company’s trade show display? If your business relies on trade show and event marketing to build its customer base, you certainly are aware of just how important it is to make sure that your exhibit stands out from the others in the crowd in a positive way. After all, it’s the quality of the exhibit that really determines whether or not the prospective customers that you really need to meet bother to stop and talk to you.

  • Trade Show Flooring: Many trade show exhibitors overlook the importance of enhancing their exhibits with trade show flooring. You can help brand your booth and attract attention from attendees by decorating your booth with trade show carpet throughout and placing attractive logo mats at the points of entry for your booth space.
  • Multimedia Features: In this day and age, full motion video and sound can definitely be an attention-getter. Consider setting up a multimedia display that will catch the attention of trade show attendees and pull them in to your exhibit space. Once they are there, they’re likely to linger to see what all is included in the presentation, which will provide you with an extended opportunity to make a personal connection.
  • Logo Canopy: If you plan to purchase end-of-aisle displays or sponsorships, or if you really just want to make sure that your booth is among the most eye-catching in the show, consider investing in a logo canopy that features your company’s logo and/or slogan.

Make Your Trade Show Display Stand Out with Unique Flooring

If participating in trade shows is an important part of your company’s business plan, you know just how important it is to do everything that you can to make your booth stand out. Most trade show marketers tend to spend a lot of time deciding how to make their booths stand out with high-end displays and giveways that are sure to attract attendees to stop by their booths – and you need to continue doing the same thing.

You don’t need to stop with what your competitors are doing, however. You also need to think about what you can do that goes above and beyond what “everyone else” is doing. That’s where trade show flooring enters the mix. While your competitors are focusing on table height and above only, you can take steps to further enhance the appeal of your booth so that you can be sure that it will stand out. One way to do this is by enhancing what lies beneath your trade show booth.

Add color and design to the flooring that your booth table is situated on with a trade show carpet, and consider further branding your exhibit space with logo mats. With the booths around you sitting directly on the floor of the expo hall, your booth is sure to attract attention from participants because you’ve taken steps to make it stand out from those around you.

How to Work a Tradeshow

Author Byline: the medical sales recruiter
Author Website: http://www.phcconsulting.com/WordPress/2008/10/24/how-to-work-a-tradeshow/

I had a candidate call me and ask for advice on how to work a tradeshow. He’s looking for a job, and exploring many avenues. He’s already ahead of the game by having a plan, but here’s my advice:

Before the show:

Send out an e-mail to all of your contacts, letting them know what’s going on, that you’ll be at the tradeshow, and that you’re looking for contacts and opportunities. Be specific in what you’re looking for…a sales/marketing/management job in medical sales, laboratory sales, pharmaceutical sales, clinical diagnostics, hospital equipment sales, medical supplies sales, medical device sales, imaging sales, pathology sales, biotechnology sales, cellular or molecular products sales, DNA research sales, etc.

Use your online social networks(LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter). Let people know that you’ll be there, and be willing to help other people out too, by passing on information to help them.

Set goals. Set a specific number for resumes to send out, a certain number of meaningful conversations to have, and plan to reconnect with ___ people. Use your network.

At the show, make your time count:

Dress the part. Dress for the job you want, and have the manners and social skills to go with it.

Go early, stay late. This is your focus for today. Don’t need to be somewhere else.

Ask for help. Walk up to the exhibit of a company you’re interested in and ask what their role in the company is. If they are unwilling or unable to help you, ask who you should talk to if you’re looking for an opportunity.

When you do meet the decision-maker, introduce yourself, don’t interrupt, and be clear. Use your “elevator pitch”. ”My name is _______________, and I find myself in the uncomfortable position of being out of a job, and I am looking for an opportunity as an XYZ, and I think your company, ABC, could really utilize my skill set.” Short and sweet. Remember…you’re putting him on the spot, and he has things to do. If he asks for your resume, have it ready. Wait to see if he follows up. Ask for business cards. Follow up with e-mails that include your resume and a CLEAR message: “I am looking for __________. If you are interested, please call me. If you’re not, do you know anyone who is? Feel free to forward my information to them. Or, give me the contact information and I will take care of that.”

Don’t be afraid to follow up more than once. That second or third follow up can be the one that gets you the job. Be patient but persistent.

Watch the video for more information, and let me know what you think.

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by CollegeRecruiter.com, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.

Stand Out with Custom Trade Show Displays

Stunning Tradeshow Displays

Want to really stand out the next time you attend a tradeshow event? If you want your tradeshow exhibits to really stand out, it’s important to make sure that you have a truly outstanding display. The image that your company portrays when attending tradeshows and other expo events goes a long way in establishing your image among prospective customers as well as your competitors in the industry.

Your tradeshow display must be attractive, attention getting, and appropriate. When you are competing for attention among other organizations that also rely on tradeshows to generate business and increase awareness, it can be tough to make your company stand out. However, standing out from the crowd is the only way you can be certain that you’ll have positive results from your tradeshow participation.

The last thing you want to do is arrive at a major tradeshow only to discover that someone else has an exhibit that basically looks just like the one you have. That’s why custom exhibits can be an excellent solution for effective tradeshow and expo marketing. When you have a display created custom for your organization, there are no worries about whether or not your exhibit will send a unique message about your company to the right people at the right time.

Promote Your Business with Promotional Pens

Looking for an affordable give away item that will help you promote your business? Whether you’re looking for an item to share with customers who come into your place of business or you need something to hand out at an upcoming trade show or business expo, you can’t go wrong when you choose marketing pens. Many companies use pens imprinted with their logos and contact information as part of their marketing strategy. They are certainly an affordable way to provide customers with something tangible that can remind them about the benefits of doing business with you.