Tips for Preparing Your Books for Your Year-End Accounts

Making sure that everything is as it should be when you hand over your books to your accountant each year in order for him to prepare your year-end accounts can be confusing; many people opt to err on the side of caution and do absolutely nothing, stuffing everything they can find into an assortment of carrier bags or boxes and depositing them on the accountant’s doorstep; others swing madly to the other extreme and have almost completed accounts ready for the signature of their accountant.

Plenty of people feel uncomfortable asking the simple question “what do you require of me?” maybe because they feel it will make them appear inexperienced, but in truth your accountant should take the time to explain exactly what they need.

So, what is the correct way to get your books and records ready for your year-end accounts preparation?

  1. File your invoices in order and assign folio references.
  2. Reconcile VAT and PAYE records for your bank.
  3. Prepare control accounts for purchases and sales, accounting for all movements.
  4. Comprehensively list all year-end debtors and creditors.
  5. Prepare a list of all stock and work in progress.

Putting things in order in this way is not simply to make your accountant’s job easier, it will allow you to keep track of things and have things to hand when you need them; others may require your records in the future, everyone from your bank when you are trying to secure borrowing to HMRC if they are looking into your business; having records prepared in this way will give you ease of reference in future years.

To find out how we can help your business visit Accountants Harrogate

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Home Office – Tips For Planning and Conversion

In today’s modern times, we have been increasingly bestowed with more and more chances to modify our working lives. No longer do we always have to work nine to five. In fact, we don’t necessarily have to travel to an office at all. Being able to work from home, whether in an existing role or starting a new business, like e-commerce for example is a distinct possibility at least for some, if not all of us.

Working from home can be an ideal income source for mothers or fathers who have a young family or the less mobile among us who may struggle to physically travel to outside employment. It can be extremely convenient and is economically proven to conserve money on travel expenses, wear and tear on vehicles, not to mention the benefits to our environment by cutting carbon emissions from vehicle engine fumes.

The the act of converting a part of the home into an office may seem easy, but in reality it can be a challenge to achieve an office environment in your home whilst maintaining the privacy required to function efficiently. Ideally, an allocated room in the house is perfect for conversion into an office. A sizable part of the formation of the room will include taking measurements of the space available and planning the layout for optimum productivity.

As many hours may be spent in the home office. It is of some importance to choose the office furniture with both its looks and practical benefits firmly in mind. Personal taste and preferences are of as much importance when making the final choices as are the quality of construction and durability.

Unsurprisingly, the most vital piece of furniture will be the office desk. The ranges are varied and manifold and making a decision can be a little daunting. A recommendation would be the corner desk, also commonly known as 90 degree or crescent shape. This style is available in a compact version for the smaller office, allows for a pedestal, either at desk height as an add on, should space allow or an under desk variety should space be at a premium. Utilizing the corner of the office frees up more floor space for other office items such as filing cabinets and bookcases.

A quality office chair will provide comfort during the extended hours of usage, together with much needed lumbar support. Look for leather and fabric covered seats, plus visitor chairs, similarly constructed for continuity.

Should your home office is just the corner of an existing room because space is limited it is still possible to convert that section of your home into a viable and pleasing office space with mobile computer stations. These have shelves for printer, computer and CPU etc and can be moved around to suit.

Andrew Spencer

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Andrew Spencer - EzineArticles Expert Author

Minimum Requirements for a Job Interview

Article Contributed by Peggy McKee,

I believe the minimum requirements for any job interview are to wear appropriate interview attire with shined shoes, conservative accessories, and a recent haircut; and carry some kind of portfolio that holds additional copies of your resume and a notepad and pen so you can take notes. You have to get there early, have thought-out answers to typical interview questions, and have looked through the job description and researched the company. These are the minimum things that have to happen before you will get a job offer.

That’s the easy part: err on the side of conservative, pay attention to the details, do your homework, and don’t forget your resume.

The key here is that every serious candidate will address these basics.

If you want to stand out, then you need to start going beyond the basics:

  • Include a 30/60/90-day plan and a brag book in your interview arsenal. The brag book is a historical look at what you’ve accomplished in your career; the 30/60/90-day plan is a forward look at what you can do for your new employer.
  • Learn to ask questions of your own in the interview to make it more of a conversation. Not only will you learn more, you’ll seem more engaged, confident and enthusiastic about the job.
  • Hire an interview coach to help you polish your skills. You will be surprised at what an experienced coach can pick up on in your behavior or interview answers that can make a huge difference in your results.

It’s certainly possible to get a job offer without going the extra mile…but you improve your chances dramatically if you do.

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.

Internet Business Plan Examples

Putting up schedules for the development milestones of your internet business are the most logical, aren’t they? Letting your business develop spontaneously without a solid and logical plan would result into its inevitable failure. Suppose you have a business plan. How should you assess this example of your plan, what are the keystones that should be incorporated into the plan?

The classical example of the internet business plan should describe or more so, define exactly the targets of your business. There are certain things that provide for the survival of your business which you should not forget at no circumstance. An example would be in setting the particular income after the certain amount of time following the start up point. This general frame-worked objective can be engineered reversely to be split into the more basic objectives to drive your business through the shorter periods. Next you should define your customer niche. Should it be a separate individual representing a typical retail type of a customer, or would that rather be a small business company? Your customer niche and your specific field of an interest, the one that you are most obsessive about, the one that you have a most profound expertise in, should be associated most closely. Building up a web site for your store would be unavoidable. Examples might be in building it self-reliantly using the available content management systems, hiring the web designer. This stage would also need your industrious efforts to market your business which may involve some specific technologies such as search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, social marketing, etc.

The closing factor to stress out would be the client base. Developing this base should be the highlight of your business plan. Whatever the finest business qualities that you personally possess, make sure to exercise the best of those while catering this core of your business success – your customer.

Want a professional and famous Internet marketer to be your personal Internet marketing coach? This is not a dream, visit this web site and one of the stars of making money online will explain you how to run a successful Internet business.

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Sending Gifts to Corporate Clients

Sending gifts to corporate clients can be a tough task. However, plenty of help is available online to make the entire process an easy job. While sending gifts to corporate clients, ensure that the gifts are in line with the client’s company policies.

There can be several corporate gifting options to be explored. One might consider the choice of gift cards ad a part of corporate gifts. Gift cards for clothes, bookstores, restaurants could be a good idea. Regional fruits, specialty cheeses, a bunch of flowers with a personalized card might be a more creative corporate gift idea.

While sending flowers, the colors and numbers should be carefully reviewed. The Chinese consider odd numbers as unlucky. Likewise, certain flowers are used for funerals and in the event of death. Gift baskets filled with a choice of sweets and cakes might be an appealing idea. Coffee mugs combined with a box of sweets and blended coffee would be an ideal client gifting idea.

Client gifting ideas and discounts can be browsed on the web. Corporate gifts can be ordered online at a discounted price on several websites. However, like other gifts, sending corporate gifts can be a difficult task. It is advisable to know whether your company policy approves of client gifting. The company’s budget should also be considered before buying a client gift.

Certain companies approve of the client gifting process. Some clients only allow token gifts of nominal price. Other companies do not encourage such a practice. Hence, one should be well aware of the client’s company policies.

The process of sending gifts to corporate clients helps to build good business relations. Gifts reflect the taste of the person who gives as well as receives them. Ideal client gifts would include food and gift baskets, books, gift cards, desktop accessories and travel items.

When sending gifts to corporate clients, promotional gift items can create a goodwill between both sides. Gifts such as t-shirts, jackets, pens, paper weights, organizers can help in brand promotion at a reasonable price. In case of a low budget or lack of time, sending personalized greeting cards can also create a good impression. Adding your own signature with a written message speaks of your sincere interest towards the client.

Adding a company logo makes the recipient remember the company that sent the gift. Items such as refrigerator magnets, fancy key chains and pen holders can be used for this purpose. Some companies also prefer sending environment friendly gifts. Recycled pens, organic fruits basket, organic apparel is a nice way to promote Eco friendly corporate gift ideas.

Promotional computer or laptop accessories can be an option of client gifting idea. Mouse pads and memory sticks with the company name or simple laptop bags with a logo can be used as corporate gifts. Client gifting is a great way to expand a business, cultivate new business and maintain good corporate relations.

Gift baskets comprising of cookies, chocolates and cakes are ideal during a festive occasion. Promotional pens and writing pads can be gifted to the clients at anytime of the year. The process of sending corporate gifts makes the clients happy to be associated with your business. It ensures that they keep you in mind for a long time.

Sending corporate gifts is definitely the best way to create a good impression about your company. It is an ideal way to attract important clients. The correct corporate gift can make the desired impact on the client. The whole process of client gifting is now a popular business. A good promotional consultant can help in choosing and sending interesting and unique corporate gifts. has a wide variety of gift baskets that are available in a variety of themes. Quality Gifts and gift baskets delivered to your doorstep!

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Kris Sookma - EzineArticles Expert Author