Outsource Human Resource Management

Businesses need to outsource human resource management services in order to succeed in the fiercely competitive corporate sector. Businesses can enter into a relationship with a PEO that takes care of the entire HR responsibilities of the client company. The PEO relationship is called a co-employment relationship and involves an allocation in the contract that enables the PEO to share the client company’s employer responsibilities. This is partnership in its entirety.

The co-employment relationship automatically implies that the PEO contractually assumes some of the employer rights and takes over the risks and responsibilities associated with employees. PEOs themselves maintain an employer relationship at the worksite with the employees of the client companies. In matters relating to work, the client company maintains its control over the employees, while all other matters are taken over by and communicated with the PEO. In other words, the PEO ensures:

• the right workforce is recruited
• an attractive benefits package is offered
• the recruited individuals work to the best of their ability
• they stay motivated
• their paycheck (out of the PEO’s account) is handed out regularly on time
• the relationship between employees is maintained
• employee grievances are taken care of
• workers’ compensation claims are handled
• federal and state government regulation is maintained by the company
• employees are trained onsite
• employee safety programs are administered
• termination process is carried out when required

This leaves the employer or the client company to deal only with the operational side of its business – streamlining business processes, improving production, reducing unnecessary costs, and eventually bringing about greater earnings. When companies outsource human resource management to PEOs, they are left with all the resources, time, energy and workforce to concentrate on placing themselves on the top rung of the market in the midst of fierce competition and the vagaries of the economy.

Outsource your human resource management to Kruse PEO. We are an US based PEO company specialized in outsourcing HR management services to businesses of all kinds in the United States.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_S_Walton

Work-Life Balance For The Entrepreneur – How Do You Put The Brake On A Growing Workload?

I have clients who struggle with an impossible and ever-increasingly workload as they run their lives. In fact, some of them hire me as a coach purely because they want to put the handbrake on their life, push it back into balance and stop being an “everything-doer”.

I too suffer from times when I am over-busy and this is how I respond:

Delegate. If you have too much on your plate, it is essential to look around you and pass some of your responsibilities over to someone else. Ask your other half to cook just one meal next week. Share the school run with another mum. Get colleagues to take turns in replenishing the stationary cupboard.

Stop over-booking your diary. Come on, you know who you are. One more night out with friends won’t matter – you feel should make it out to that network meeting in case you meet your dream client. Stop. Why not leave one whole day blank with no plans at all.

Have you ever tried to read the name of a station when you are speeding by on a train? If your life is going by too quickly, you might be missing essential signposts to where your life could be going.

Run Away. Now I do not mean escape forever, but shut your PC down, put your phone on silent and take a walk. This can give you some essential breathing space. Come back calm and collected and it will help you prioritise the essential and take control of the small stuff again.

Sub-contract time. It may be that your business needs another pair of hands. Do you really need to stuff all those envelopes? Would you be servicing your business better by focusing on developing new clients and get someone else to follow up on old clients?

This applies to the running of your home as well – if you hate ironing, contract someone else to do it. Although contracting work out will cost you money, what could you do in those extra couple of hours a week, can you earn more than this cost?

Know when to stop. Sometimes we can try too hard to make things happen now. If you feel that it is taking blood, sweat and tears to get something moving, ask yourself whether your timing is right. Please do not use this as an excuse to give up before you have even tried, rather you should pick the right time to act so that you use optimum effort.

Get back to your values. What is important to you about what you do? If you have forgotten what your core values are, then it is time to take a break and get back to basics. May be now is the time to dust off your business plan and update it?

Stop feeling guilty. If you are saying to yourself “I should be doing this”, take this as a warning signal that the guilt monster is sitting on your shoulder. So what if something does not happen – just ask yourself “what is the worst thing that could happen by not getting this done?” If it is not life threatening – is it worth the headache and stress of getting it done?

If you follow these simple habits, you work and home life will stay in balance and you will enjoy work once more.

Adrian Pepper coaches people through business and personal difficulties, helping companies figure out what to do, how to move forward and what to get organised. He has written four books to date and often speaks to small business groups. You can contact him through Help4You Ltd, through his website at http://www.help4you.ltd.uk or by phone  +44-7773-380133 .

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adrian_Pepper

Organic Coffee – Green Office Products

Eco friendly choices in coffee and office break room supplies include:

Fair Trade Certified Coffee Fair Trade coffees help farming families by paying a guaranteed fair, above market price for their harvest, thus providing them with a decent, living wage. This is accomplished by avoiding middlemen and dealing directly with farmers and their cooperatives. Not all Fair Trade Certified coffee is necessarily organic. However, Fair Trade Certified does require strict environmental stewardship such as prohibiting the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the most hazardous pesticides. All Fair Trade coffee must be certified by TransFair USA, an independent non-profit international agency that monitors and certifies Fair Trade products in the United States.

Certified Organic Coffee Certified organic coffee is grown without synthetic pesticides or other prohibited substances, according to U.S. standards for organic production and certified by an agency accredited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Organic coffee farming relies on sustainable crop rotation, and is mainly shade grown, producing delicious, pure coffees.

Rainforest Certified Coffee The Rainforest Alliance, an international nonprofit conservation organization, works in partnership with eight Latin American conservation groups to ensure that coffee farms meet a set of exacting standards that protect forests, waterways, soils and wildlife as well as the rights and welfare of workers and local communities. The standards require ecosystem and wildlife conservation as well as agro-chemical reduction. They also verify that workers have access to basic human services, such as health care, education, dignified housing and just wages. On average, workers on Rainforest Alliance Certified farms earn twice the local minimum wage. Farms that meet the standards are awarded the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal. Look for the Rainforest Alliance Certification logo with a small green frog on the packaging.

Green Office Products: Reduce, reuse and recycle office supplies. Supply office break rooms with biodegradable plates, utensils and eco container cups and lids.

Custom Coffee Plan http://customcoffeeplan.com – provides office coffee and break room supplies to businesses in Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland, Denver, Dallas and Houston.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=L_Traylor

Find the Perfect Corporate Invitation For Celebrating Milestones With Your Clients

From your grand opening to anniversaries to new products and new offices spaces you’ll have many milestones in your business. And there is no better way to celebrate than with your clients. Keep corporate invitations in your corporate stationery stock for every occasion, big and small. Marking these milestones can b e a great way to keep in touch with your clients and colleagues and thank them for their contributions to you success.

Grand opening
Obviously your company’s grand opening will need some fan fare. Sending out a grand opening announcement is a great start. But you should also plan to host a party with clients, potential new clients, colleagues and business associates. They will all be proud to celebrate your new business with you. Keep these corporate invitations on the lighter side to get your guests excited about your business. Pick a bold ‘grand opening’ invitation, but keep in mind that this may set the tone for your corporate stationery and your future events

New products
Introducing a new product with an event or party is a great way to get your clients involved. Send a corporate invitation that resembles a ‘new baby’ announcement for a touch of whimsy. A new product that you are unveiling is kind of like a ‘baby’ for you and your company, so why not treat it like one. You should be mindful that not all of your clients or colleagues will be familiar with your product so you don’t have to make the product the sole focus. Keep the event upbeat with refreshments, music, conversation and perhaps a short speech or demonstration about your new products.

Every year you’re in business is a reason to celebrate. And an anniversary invitation is a great way to say ‘thank you’ to your clients. They are the ones that help you keep your business alive, so make sure you recognize them with this milestone. While you might now celebrate every year with a party, you might consider sending a corporate thank-you note or anniversary announcement to your clients. This will keep you in their thoughts and give them a chance to congratulate you on your successes.

As your business grows, so will your space needs. Moving your office is a great chance to gather your clients and colleagues to show off your new space. Treat your moving like a housewarming event. Send ‘housewarming invitations to keep the tone light and festive. If your guest list is large, try to get your corporate invitations out before you actually move, you might be able to host your party in an empty office, giving you more space to mix and mingle. Waiting until after the actual move is perfectly acceptable, too, and gives your guests a chance to see your new office space all put together.

Whatever the occasion keep your clients in mind with great corporate invitations and fun parties to celebrate your milestones. Thanking your clients in this thoughtful way is a great way to promote your business and ensure their loyalty for years to come.

Check out MyExpression.com for great corporate invitations. You’ll also find a great selection of business stationery for all of your corporate needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Carter

Boost Sales Through Networking

If you are a salesperson or if you own a small business, it’s important for you to take steps that can help you boost your sales. When you need to meet potential clients and referral sources, you need to get out and about in the business community. Participate in professional associations, go to chamber of commerce functions, and consider joining a formal networking group. You never know when you might get a life insurance lead if you’re in the insurance business or find someone who needs a website if you are a web developer.