In Business, Now More Than Ever, it is Survival of the Prepared

Who knew? Who saw all of this coming? Not very many and quite a few depending on whom you listen to and what day of the week you hear it!

One thing always remains constant in small business: you need to generate revenue greater than your expenses to remain in business.

Elementary you say? Not quite.

When times tighten –for whatever the reason(s) — the Classic Truth of Small Business Success comes to the surface: businesses that identify an unmet or underserviced need of a specific reachable target market large enough to sustain revenues over the long haul and who serve that precise market better than their competitors will do well in good times and survive in bad.
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Life Insurance for Small Business

Will your small business be prepared for the financial consequences if one of the owners or other key staff members passes away? The good news is that it’s not impossible to put the proper protections in place to guard against the financial problems that your business would be likely to experience after such an occurrence. With low cost life insurance, you can take steps to ensure that your company’s financial future will be protected in the event of a worst case scenario development.

Many small business owners make the mistake of thinking that they can’t possibly afford the life insurance rates they’ll have to pay in order to put a sufficient amount of coverage in place. However, it’s a fact that business owner or key person life insurance doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult to get. The price of this type of insurance policy can truly be well worth the cost of premiums.

Before you put your company at risk by deciding that life insurance isn’t something you can afford, make sure you gather all the facts. Before making up your mind, request a no obligation term life insurance quote so that you’ll be fully informed about the actual cost associated with getting the coverage you need. You’ll likely be pleasantly surprised to find that you can well afford the important protection provided by this type of insurance product.

The Potato Farmer and the Apple Orchard!

This is a great explanation of an entrepreneur who merely survives compared to an entrepreneur who thrives! There is a huge difference. So as you read this analogy, take a personal inventory and think of which entrepreneur you are being. The results in your life will reflect it!

Some time ago there were two neighbors who lived out in the country. Both of these farmers owned a considerable amount of land and wanted to do something with the land to support their families with. One man decided to turn his land into a potato farm and the other planted an apple orchard. Both of these men were very hard workers and were out tending their crop daily. They did this for the entire year and come harvest time, the potato farmer harvested his crop, took it to town and made enough to support his family until it was time to start planting again. Then he would start the whole process over again.
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Solo Professionals and Vacations – Not Scandalous, Necessary!

You have worked really hard getting your business up and running. You may have clients that rely on you for your services. Congratulations! But how the heck do you, a solopreneur, find time to take a vacation without upsetting your clients? Here are a few suggestions:

For some people it may be as simple as saying, I’m going to be gone during this time. Coaches and speakers don’t need to worry overmuch about their clients depending on them to be there all the time. However, if it is a long vacation it’s a good idea to find some way to stay in touch. I’ll discuss automation in a minute.
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Time Management For Solopreneurs

To create a thriving business you must stay in action and put time, energy and attention on the things that will generate the results you desire (ie: more clients!). Seems fairly obvious, right? Well then why is it so hard to DO?!?

Virtually all small business owners struggle with time management. They say, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” OR “There is never enough time.”

And for home-based business owners, as most solopreneurs are, scheduling and managing our work time is all the more difficult.

A clear and proactive weekly schedule can help you stay in action and focused on the key areas necessary to build a thriving business.
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