How To Do A Business Pitch

Business PitchSelling yourself to businesses can certainly be a nerve-wracking experience.

Whether this be a boardroom-style pitch or simply a face-to-face meeting when applying for director jobs or other high-profile positions, you need to get your pitch right to create the best impression possible.

This is especially true in the current economic climate when work may be thin on the ground.

Know your target market

Learn everything you can about the business with whom you wish to do business. Learn about their products and services and figure out how you can best appeal to them. Learn about their values and culture and what exactly they want in a client.

Find the angle that will emphasise the positive things that a deal with you will bring.

Dress to impress

What this means can differ wildly according to the industry you’re in, but always dress appropriately and professionally.

Plan, plan, plan

You might have planned everything to the nth degree, but business people are prone to throwing curve balls into the mix that can throw off your pitch and ruin your chances of success. Make sure you know your figures and that you have everything covered adequately.


If you don’t have confidence in yourself and in your pitch, then there is little chance that seasoned professionals will have any confidence in you or your ideas. Know your strengths and emphasise them to the maximum.

Set your goals…

… and keep your goals in mind at all times. Know your price, and leave room to manoeuvre in the midst of negotiations.

Three Must-Have Tools for Sales Meetings

As a small business owner, you’ll need to be prepared to conduct sales meetings with prospective clients on a regular basis. If your background is in sales, you’re surely prepared and ready for this part of your entrepreneurial venture. However, if you haven’t worked as a sales professional in your career, chances are that this is one of the entrepreneurial roles that you’re not quite comfortable with just yet.

Taking the time to prepare ahead of time is key to getting comfortable making sales calls. You also want to make sure that you have all of the must-have tools for sales meetings in your possession before you show up for your first appointment. Here are a few items that you’ll want to make sure to carry along when you meet with prospective customers.

3 Must-Have Tools for Sales Meetings

Business Cards: Make sure that you have high quality, attractive business cards to leave behind with each person you meet with.

Company Literature: Not every prospect will be ready to say “yes” or “no” at your first meeting. Be prepared to leave behind literature that provides information and details about your company and what you are proposing.

Padfolio: Be prepared to take notes at every sales meeting with a professional padfolio that contains a white or yellow legal pad and a quality pen. You don’t want to have to fumble for something to write with or on if the prospect asks you to find additional information or is ready to place an order.

The Common Pitfalls of Cold Calling

Have you ever wondered how some businesses are able to grow so quickly? Some secrets can really help you to grow your business and increase phone sales while still avoiding having to make the annoying calls yourself. In addition, you will not have to hire someone to do this but rather employee the services of MyPhoneRoom.

MyPhoneRoom is a great opportunity for any business whether small or large. There are many ways that this company will help you. One of these is that they will make all of the phone calls for you. Another is that they will take care of finding prospects and leads and you will not have to make the phone calls or try to figure out who should be called.

A common rookie mistake is to be the cashier, janitor, manager, parking attendant, and sales manager. Once you realize your in a business to make money versus speaking with under qualified prospects then you understand that being efficient is key. Learn to leverage call centers to screen cold calls and warm them up to qualified prospects.

My Phone Room is a way to be able to take your business and have a call center to generate the business for you. Since you will have someone to do all of the phone calls for you there is the ability to avoid ever having to pick up the phone for yourself. In addition, the business will be done while you can feel well rested, easy and relaxed without ever having to worry about anything. Other areas of the business will finally get the time that they deserve.

Having someone else to make the calls for you is a huge advantage for a number of reasons and My Phone Room is popular because of it. In addition to making, the calls there are special trainings and lots of information given to the people who make them and do the sales of them. In addition, with the all of the trainings and special tools there is a chance that it will be done well. Therefore, you can always find someone to make the calls for you rather than you having to do them for yourself.

Lawrence Tam has brought the best out of hundreds of Internet Marketers by helping them create wealth for their own network marketing business. Success in any network marketing business is built with knowing the secrets to online marketing like Facebook/MySpace, Twitter, Classifieds and many more. Get your F-R-E-E training mastering these marketing methods and many others at: Close more sales by using My Phone Room Online.

If you are serious about your future, you will want to register for my free 7 day Internet Lead Generation Video Bootcamp.

Article Source:

Lawrence Tam - EzineArticles Expert Author

Top 10 Insider Tips for Retail Success

Here are ten no-nonsense tips for success in owning and operating any type of retail business.

  1. Profit is your motivator. While many retailers have goals which are not connected to profit, the one achievement which keeps any retail business operating is profit. Profit needs to guide every decision in the business whether you like it or not. It is better to invest them profit where you want than to run a retail business which is unprofitable due to generosity which the business cannot afford.
  2. Cash is king. It is essential that cash be treated with respect in the business. You do this by ensuring that proper business records are kept, that cash is managed on a daily basis, that theft is minimized, that cash is not wasted and that appropriate reserves are maintained to reduce the need to borrow to support the business.
  3. Plan. Plan well ahead. While the plan will not always be following, just thinking through retail seasons and other opportunities in advance will ensure that you have everything required under control for success.
  4. Embrace change. Change your product mix, where products are located, displays, pricing, how you market the business… constant change shows a retail business on the move, connected with the times.
  5. Employ good people. Retailers often complain about employees. It is important to remember who hires, fires and manages the employees. Good people are only as good as those in control.
  6. Strong leadership. This is vital to the success of a retail business. From the shop floor to the back room, demonstrate an unwavering commitment to the business and all that it stands for. Lead by doing. Show the behaviour you want from the team. Poor leadership is a common feature of a failing retail business.
  7. Connect with your community. Embrace opportunities to connect with your local community. This is a great way to separate your business from competitors and demonstrate a value beyond the products you sell to your local community. Engage in the connection by being active in the community, outside your shop.
  8. Manage stock like your future depends on it. Too many retailers buy stock because they like it. They forget that they are not their customer. Some retailers leave stock on the shop floor too long. Buy stock which suits your customers. Ask them questions. Listen to them. Once stock is on the shop floor, measure its success and move it on if it is failing to meet your needs.
  9. Measure. Know the performance of your business in as much detail as possible. Measure everything which can be measured and drive the business based on what your data indicates. Make decisions based on these facts and not your emotion.
  10. Get your cost basis right. Every retail business has fixed costs which need to be as low as possible. Shop rent, insurance, telephone, internet, electricity… negotiate with suppliers of these and other fixed cost items to achieve the lowest cost possible for your business.
  11. Enjoyment. If you do not enjoy your retail business you are more likely to make bad business decisions and lead others to not enjoy the business as well. You can boost enjoyment by engaging in fun promotions, ensuring you get time off, relying on others to share the load and by not spending too much time standing still.

Yes, there are eleven tips, not ten. Actually twelve – under promise and over deliver is tip twelve. These tips are based on years of experience helping many different types of retailers.

Mark Fletcher is a retailer, business adviser and author based at

Secrets to Successful Cold Calling

For anyone who hates having to make calls to people and especially despises cold calls there are some ways that you can improve your business strategies. One of these ways is to use a great service like My Phone Room. The best thing with this service is that you can increase your profits but you do not have to increase the amount of work that you are doing.

Therefore, you will be learning with My Phone Room how to work in a smarter way. By working smarter, you can work easier. This is a huge thing for anyone who wants to run a business but does not feel that they have the time and energy to put hours each day into making phone calls.

My Phone Room is a call center that takes your business and promotes the business for you. You will no longer have to call your own prospects but rather someone else will be doing all of this work for you. Just think about the other areas of your business that you can grow if you are to be able to relax and not have to worry about this. In addition, you can work on the other areas of your business that need more work instead.

So what is the real secret to cold calling? Have someone call for you to filter the tire kickers and for those that qualify have them interviewed. Screening callers ensures better prospects as you won’t have to waste time with the mentally broke. So the real secret is to have someone screen callers then edify you before you speak with a prospect. At this point you are no longer speaking with a cold lead but a warm prospect!

There are so many advantages to being able to have someone else make calls for you that My Phone Room is quickly becoming popular. Other great advantages are that they use special information and knowledge to work on your sales and to try to make them for you. Many different tools and trainings can be used to help you as well. Therefore, now instead of having to make these calls for yourself you will have someone else who can make them for you.

Lawrence Tam has brought the best out of hundreds of Internet Marketers by helping them create wealth for their own network marketing business. Success in any network marketing business is built with knowing the secrets to online marketing like Facebook/MySpace, Twitter, Classifieds and many more. Get your F-R-E-E training mastering these marketing methods and many others at: Sponsor more In your own business using My Phone Room Online.

If you are serious about your future, you will want to register for my free 7 day Internet Lead Generation Video Bootcamp.

Article Source:

Lawrence Tam - EzineArticles Expert Author