Business Telephone Considerations

Employees cost money, and every second that they are not busy is money that their employer wastes. In an environment like a call center, maximizing the amount of time that agents are talking to customers rather than engaging in other activities can make the difference between profit and loss. Modern data centers use a system called predictive dialing to eliminate the delay involved when an agent has to finish a call and then place another one. By automating the dialing process, the system allows the agent to begin speaking to another customer almost immediately. Hardware based predictive dialers have been around for a while, but the equipment cost associated with them ate into the savings from increased productivity. As computers have become more powerful, however, software based predictive dialers have developed that need nothing but a computer equipped with a simple voice modem. These software dialers can be customized to particular situations. If, for instance, it takes an average of four calls at a given time of day to reach a live person, the dialer will initiate four calls per agent. If the auto-dialer needs twelve seconds to make a connection, it begins the calling process twelve seconds before the agent is due to finish the call. Keeping the agent on the phone increases the number of sales per hour. Predictive dialers are subject to some legal restrictions, so managers should investigate state law carefully before making any commitments. Interested parties can learn about Maryland business telephone systems at

Greater Efficiency in Legal Document Translation

If you’ve ever been involved in the process of having foreign language documents translated for legal matters, such as for a legal case investigation or the merger & acquisition due diligence process, you how tedious, time consuming, and costly it really is. However, there are options available to improve the efficiency of this important process. Linguistic Systems, Inc. has developed a helpful eDiscovery translation option that can greatly improve the efficiency of legal document translation without compromising on quality.

The process involves a unique partnership of an automated text analytics process at the first stage, followed by a review of documents pre-screened and organized by relevance to the matter at hand by native language speakers who are able to quickly locate and translate the information that the legal team needs to move forward. The fact that what are often long documents can be organized quickly rather than having to go through a word by word translation process in order to get to the bits of information that really matter results in a significant increase in efficiency all the way around.

This greater efficiency can lead to an overall time savings, which means that cases, investigations and other legal matters can move forward more quickly than if translation is approached without utilizing this type of technology. Time is money, and faster discovery of relevant information can often result in a significant financial benefit, as well as allowing progress to be made toward an ultimate resolution in the most expedient possible manner.

Furniture Flexibility with Casters

Whenever you are in a situation where you need some kind of wheel placed on a piece of uneven furniture, you have to remember that leveling caster wheels are always around to save the day when you are in trouble. offers leveling casters for a very good price, and you could order the wheels on their website today and see them arrive in the mail only a few days from now. These are the kinds of wheels that most people need when they are adding wheels to anything in their home because they are completely adjustable. The ability to adjust and alter these wheels comes with two major benefits. First of all, you will be able to level out any kind of furniture that is not level in your home with nothing more than the wheels. When you can add wheels to a piece of furniture and level it out at the same time, it becomes easy to see that you are basically killing two birds with one stone. The other main benefit that you can get from these wheels is that they can be used for more than one item around the house. Since they are adjustable, you can take them off one piece of furniture and easily apply them to something else in a matter of minutes. Sometimes you only need wheels on something for a short period of time, and that is where adjustable wheels can be rather valuable at the end of the day.

Improve Communication for Farming Businesses

If you are someone who owns a small farm where there are not many people who work on it every day, then you may want to think about getting some farming walkie talkies. Two way radios are usually the best option for smaller farms because you usually just need to talk to one other person while you are working out there all day. Whether you are growing corn, apples or anything else, you always need to make sure that you can instantly contact another worker to come and help you out when you need it. If you are someone who simply manages a farm, then you may want to look into getting these kinds of radios for your workers. Many people actually use these two way radios to let the farm workers know what kind of work needs to be done during the day. You will need to find radios with long battery life if you are going to use them on a farm because you do not want to put yourself in a situation where the battery dies while you are trying to tell someone that you need help over by the cows. There are plenty of different two way radios available at tech stores these day, and some of these radios are made with farmers in mind. You have to remember that only certain walkie talkies should be used by farmers because there are plenty of them that will fall apart if they are outside for too long.

What to do When Someone Gets Hurt On the Job

No matter what kind of office you run, there is always a chance that someone can get hurt while they are on the job. This is true whether your business involves actively sending people into dangerous situations (electricians for example) or is simply a bunch of accountants sitting at desks crunching numbers while listening to music through headphones (you never know when a chair will give out, sending someone toppling to the floor).

So what do you do? What happens if one of your employees gets hurt while they are working for you?

Get Help

We mean legal help. Specifically, an injured employee should meet with a workers compensation lawyer. You might have one on retainer for your company already but it’s also good to offer to pay for outside counsel if your employee wants to find his own independent representation (try not to take this personally—it’s a sound business decision). A lawyer can walk your employee through the claim process and help figure out whether what happened to your employee is covered by worker’s comp or not.

Seek Advice

While your employee is meeting with his lawyer, meet with your own. Talk about whether or not this injury is covered under your liability insurance. Ask whether or not your company could find itself in the middle of a lawsuit should the employee decide to sue for things not already covered by insurance or worker’s comp.

Note: Ask your attorney about what, exactly, you should offer to pay for. Worker’s comp and insurance will require you to cover certain costs for your employee. Beyond that, though, you might feel like you want to cover the cost of recovery time, etc. It’s natural to feel guilty and want to work overtime to help someone feel better. Unfortunately this isn’t always in your best legal interest—especially if your employee has been talking about suing.

Take Future Precautions

Find out the cause of the accident and spend whatever money you need to spend to fix the situation and make it even safer in the future. Sometimes there are freak accidents, sure, but most often workplace injuries are the result of something being neglected or poorly managed. Find the problem and solve it so that nobody else gets hurt.

Take a Breath

It’s easy to panic when someone you hire gets hurt. You feel guilty. You want to bend over backwards to help the person (we’ve already talked about that). You’re also going to be feeling the urge to go overboard in making your workplace extra safe. Before you baby proof every moving part in your office space and require your employees to wear full body armor “just in case”, take a breath. You’re already working on ensuring the problem doesn’t happen again. While you do that, perform a safety audit and then do your best to get back to work.

Remember, you do still have a business to run. It sounds cold but you can’t let one injury shut down your entire company. The best thing you can do is ensure that your other employees are also taken care of and have a sense of security in their jobs.

Good luck!