How to Select an Executive Search Firm

by Cathleen Faerber, The Wellesley Group

Many recruiting firms call themselves “search firms”, but what do they really do? The most common distinction is “contingency” versus “retained”. Contingency Firms only charge you a fee should you hire one of their candidates, whereas, Retainer Based Firms charge the fees as they are doing the “search”. However, understand that this distinction should be more than just how you pay the fee.

Retainer based search firms should be utilizing search techniques that go well beyond the internet and ad hoc networking. In essence, a focused effort to tap into that population of people that you as internal Human Resources Professionals have a more difficult time identifying on your own. These are people that are not seeking employment, but rather, based on where they are located geographically, what type of industry they are in and what position they hold – they could be an excellent prospect for your organization. True retained search firms use original name generation (research) as a way of identifying this population of people. Read the rest of this entry »

Small Business Marketing Tip: Host a Client Event

By Chris Woodward, My PR Tools
Here’s great small business marketing tip, increase your visibility and showcase your expertise with small seminars, roundtables, or panels. At the same time, you are creating valuable face-to-face time with existing and prospective clients.

The most important step is to come up with a topic that will provide a draw for your audience.
• You might enlighten clients about the hot trends and issues of the day,
• offer valuable information on a particular area of expertise, or
• explain the ramifications of new rules and regulations in your industry. Read the rest of this entry »

Purchasing Office Supplies at

This is a guest post by Ronald Smith

Recently, I became a Work-life Rewards member at Office Depot. Since my membership started I have been receiving coupons for significant savings off my orders so I decided to place an online order as opposed to heading to the store. I had just set up my satalite internet and had not really used it at all, so I figured this would be the perfect time. Instead of just ordering the few things that I needed I ended up ordering all kinds of stuff. The original amount of my order was $147.00, after I entered my coupon code the total went down to $90.00. I was extremely happy. Read the rest of this entry »

Productivity Tips For Entrepreneurs

Guest Post by Deborah A. Bailey,

It’s the end of the day and you’re feeling overwhelmed because you haven’t accomplished everything that you set out to do. Not to mention the fact that now there are more things to add to your “to do” list. If you’ve ever had that experience then you know how frustrating it can be.

Where did the time go?

Even though we all get the same 24 hours in a day, we might not be using that time as efficiently as we’d like. Read the rest of this entry »

Why Are Small Business Owners Email Marketing in the Dark?

Guest Post by Wendy Lowe,

Small businesses owners are like marathon runners. Just when they feel like they are going to cave in from stress and tiredness they see the finish line and keep on pushing. Think about the average small business owner who has 10 employees or less. They spend most of the day running the business operations. But when do they have time to work on other aspects of their business, such as vital components like marketing?

For many of them, it’s usually only after the shop closes. And unfortunately that’s also when other businesses close, leaving small business owners to scramble for answers to any questions they might have whether it’s about IT deployments or financing. Read the rest of this entry »