How to Become a Notary Public

There are many reasons someone might apply to be a notary public. Perhaps they were inspired to serve their country while attending job fairs or notary seminars. Maybe they simply wanted a challenging position where they could choose when and where they worked. Does this sound like you? Being a notary public may be just the job you’re looking for.

A notary public is a government officer that oversees a variety of responsibilities. These include working with banks and insurance companies as you administer oaths, certify documents, and more. Notaries typically work on commission and can cover a territory of several counties or more. As the demand for their work is very high indeed, you’ll never have to worry about not having enough work.

Your duties can vary drastically depending on where you work. For example, did you know that if you work outside the US, you can even perform many of the same duties as a lawyer? UK counties such as Surrey and Cambridge are examples of areas that allow this. Toronto, Canada is similar in that they allow their notaries to perform legal duties if they are also lawyers. However, in the US, you require additional training before you can adopt legal responsibilities.

The process of becoming a notary public isn’t as difficult as it seems. If you are over eighteen and a US citizen, you’re already eligible! There are a few additional requirements, but they vary from state to state. For example, Kansas doesn’t require that you pass a notary test, while in Washington DC, it is. Many states, such as San Jose, California, disqualify anyone who has a criminal record. Other states, however, make exceptions for ex-convicts who have served a prison sentence of less than six months.

The application process can be made simple and convenient by the use of companies such as Underwriters Inc. Not only can they send you application packets, (as well as forms to fill out when you renew your term once it expires) but they also offer required notary tools, such as seals, journals, thumbprint kits, public signs, and more. Once you’ve applied, you’re sworn in by the Secretary of State. (In some areas the governor may do this.) Your term varies from location to location, but it typically lasts from four to five years.

If you’re looking for a challenging, high paying job that gives you authority, this may be the perfect position for you.

Gregory Prather owns and operates – Notary Public

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High Paid Experts Can Teach Others What They Know, Can You?

Here are four methods you can use to train anyone. The first is to use visualization, by talking about the job, use video, let them watch in person etc. Some people are visual learners and others are tactile or hands on learners. Encourage them to ask questions, ask them what likely problems they feel they may encounter.

Begin your training session by asking each person which type of learner they are. This will help you set the agenda for the days training.
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Marketing Jobs in Birmingham

The city of a thousand trades owes its strong economy to the successful manufacturers and engineers who have propelled Birmingham’s growth firmly into the 21st century. However, today it is the tertiary sector that dominates the city, contributing in excess of 78 per cent of the economic output since 2005, and set to give rise to 50,000 jobs over the next 10 years. Consequently, Birmingham is a good bet for anyone who is interested in marketing.

The Birmingham Redevelopment Scheme’s task of regenerating the city is ongoing, and so it is no real surprise that the construction sector is one of the biggest sectors for potential marketing jobs. Since 2008 major residential and industrial developments have been proposed for Birmingham with a major focus on brownfield sites due to the extent by which the city is already developed. One significant example of residential development is the £500 million V Building, a 51 story apartment building set to be finished by 2013. According to Birmingham City Council there is also over 525,000m2 of warehouses planned.
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Marketing During a Recession

It is a well known fact that the global economy has moved into the recession era and slowly people are cutting down on their expenses. The biggest impact of this recession has been on businesses which is reflected in budget decreases in every department.

In regards to marketing, businesses can still market with the same effectiveness even on a reduced budget, provided they follow these fundamental strategies. It will depend on the businesses as to how effectively they can implement these strategies in order to gain the same exposure and reach during a recession.
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Job Search for Graduation

Author Byline: CareerAlley
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As a College student, planning and job search should really start very early in your college career. Internships, Co-Op programs, volunteering and College Career Fairs require months and sometimes years of planning. Unfortunately, many College students don’t begin to plan until their Junior (and sometimes Senior) year. The good news is that there are excellent resources available to help you plan your job search, even if you start late (see Winter Break – Do You Have a Job Search Plan Yet?).

  • Nuresume – Thanks to a reader for pointing out this site. is a network for college students which allows them to build an online resume portfolio. They can include photos, blogs, videos, chat, groups, forums, instant messaging and social networking. The site is jam packed with resources and options. There are links at the top of the page which provide access to the main areas (including Join and Invite links). The site integrates students, recruiters and employers and provides the tools you need to launch your online marketing campaign. The site is very impressive and well thought out. There is not enough space in this review to give justice to the site, so check it out today.
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