Apply for Financial Aid Early

Are you planning to go back to college so you can advance in your career? Don’t put off learning about financial aid until just before time to start school. If you do, you just might find that all of the funds you might have been eligible for have already been allocated to someone else. Take the time to fill out the FASFA as early as possible – and learn everything you can about what’s involved in qualifying for federal aid, loans, grants and scholarships. When it’s time to pay your tuition bill, you’ll be really glad that you did!

Navigating the financial aid system infographic by Southern New Hampshire University, SNHU.EDU
Brought to You by SNHU.EDU Online College Programs

Tips for Nonprofit Success

Are you involved with a nonprofit organization? Whether you are responsible for running a nonprofit, are employed by one, or sit on a nonprofit board of directors, it’s a good idea to devote some of your time and energy to learning everything that you can about what it takes to succeed in the not-for-profit sector.

Four Tips for Nonprofit Success

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Volunteer Relations are Key: It’s impossible to overstate the importance of maintaining positive relationships with your organization’s volunteers. Don’t ever lose site of the fact that some of the most important non profit jobs are performed by people who don’t get paid for them and who are giving up their free time in order to help promote the cause of your organizations.
  2. Staffing Considerations: Don’t lose sight of the fact that hiring and managing employees is really no different in the nonprofit sector than it is in the private sector. When you need to hire people to fill paid nonprofit jobs, you will need to go through the same recruiting, screening and selection process that any traditional business uses and you’ll also need to train, manage and motivate them members of your workforce on an ongoing basis.
  3. Morale Matters: The morale of employees and volunteers is a key component to the success of any nonprofit organization. Don’t forget that people often seek out nonprofit careers because they want to feel a sense of reward and satisfaction from giving back to the community as an integral part of their career.
  4. Value Varied Skills: One thing that’s true about careers nonprofit is that there are opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets. Don’t focus solely on surrounding yourself with people who are gifted fundraisers. While having people who know how to raise money is important, you also need people who can provide services, engage in strategic planning and deal with day to day operations.

Tech Workers Feel ‘Infinite Loop’ as Wages Remain Flat

Technology professionals endured a second straight year of nearly flat salaries, according to the 2011-2010 Annual Salary Survey from Dice, the leading career site for technology and engineering professionals. Tech workers, on average, garnered salary increases of about one percent (0.7%) to $79,384 from $78,845 in 2009, after receiving a similar increase the previous year.

Despite the marginal increase, there are glimmers of the business recovery within the study. Nearly half of those surveyed (49%) received a salary increase in 2010 compared to just 36 percent who saw raises in the previous year. And more technology professionals received bonuses: 29 percent compared with 24 percent of respondents in 2009.

Tech professionals expressed slightly more satisfaction over pay than last year, with 50 percent “somewhat” or “very satisfied,” an increase from 46 percent of respondents who felt that way last year. Still, nearly four out of ten technology professionals anticipate they could make more money if they change employers in 2011. Those professionals (24%) who felt switching employers would not increase their pay earned, on average, nearly $13,000 more than those who anticipate finding higher salaries elsewhere.

“Companies can no longer get away with paltry salary increases for their technology staffs based on the demand we are seeing for talent,” said Tom Silver, SVP, North America at Dice. “The moderate increases in satisfaction levels indicate that tech professionals’ concerns are being heard by some companies, but certainly not all. Retention is the key to driving additional contributions to the business from technology staffs. Employers that are reluctant to increase compensation or step-up retention efforts will likely pay for their unsatisfactory ways.”

Notwithstanding the hopeful signs in the study, it appears wages have been reset lower for technology professionals who are entering the field. For the second straight year, the average salaries of technology professionals with less than two years experience have declined, and are six percent below their peak average wages in 2008.

There are two clear cut paths for technology professionals to earn more money: working for a larger company and/or continuing to add expertise and skills. First, technology professionals on average earned $88,075 working for companies in excess of 5,000 employees, while the smallest companies (50 or fewer employees) paid on average $69,658 to their technology workers. As for skills, those with annual wages of $100,000 or more were technology professionals with experience in Advanced Business Application Programming ($105,887), Informatica ($101,898), Extract Transform and Load ($100,983) and Service Oriented Architecture ($101,827).

Most Popular Skills and Average Wages

By analyzing the frequency skills appear in job postings on Dice, a core set of skills emerges for technology professionals.

Currently, Oracle experience is requested in more than 15,000 job postings on any given day or nearly a quarter of all job postings on Dice. Demand for that top requested skill is up 57 percent year/year. The national average salary for technology professionals with experience in Oracle Database is $90,914 and for Oracle Application Server is $88,063.

Following Oracle, J2EE/Java (14,663 job postings, up 50% yr/yr) and C, C++, C# (14,123 job postings, up 46% yr/yr) are the most frequently requested skills. Technology professionals proficient in J2EE/Java earn on average $91,060, while programmers specializing in the C languages earn between $85,500 and $90,350 on average.

The average salary for Project Managers is $100,143, but companies request project management experience in wide variety of job postings (12,513, up 50% yr/yr) making solid project management skills a must.

Rounding out the top five is SQL (11,875, up 47% yr/yr), the programming language, with an average salary of $84,375.

Raises Return to Silicon Valley

After a slip in average salaries last year, paychecks for technology talent in Silicon Valley increased three percent to an average salary of $99,028. In addition, 35 percent of Valley respondents received a bonus in 2010, as compared to just 26 percent in 2009.

The steps employers are taking on compensation are sparking higher levels of satisfaction. More than half (52%) of Silicon Valley tech pros reported they are satisfied with their salaries, as compared to 46 percent who were satisfied last year. That gain comes directly from previously dissatisfied technology professionals which fell from 37 percent in 2009 to 31 percent currently.

“The revival of employment demand for technology professionals started about this time last year in Silicon Valley. Very quickly, companies are facing higher compensation costs, retention troubles, and shortages in certain skill-sets,” said Alice Hill, Managing Director of “This experience provides a roadmap for employers outside of Silicon Valley, because demand is strengthening across the country for tech talent.”

Average salaries in New York ($87,298) and the Washington D.C./Baltimore corridor ($89,149) inched higher year/year, while average salaries in Atlanta ($82,944) and Philadelphia ($81,986) jumped five percent year/year – the strongest performance in any of the top 10 metropolitan markets. Two markets showed declines in average technology salaries, Los Angeles dropped four percent to $84,551 and in Chicago average technology salaries declined one percent to $79,933.

Dice Salary Survey Methodology

The Dice Salary Survey was administered online with 19,798 employed technology professionals from the Dice community responding between August 31 and November 15, 2010. Respondents were invited to participate in the survey through a notification on the Dice home page, and registered technology professionals were sent an email invitation. A cookie methodology was used to ensure that there was no duplication of responses between or within the various sample groups, and duplicate responses from a single email address were removed.

About Dice

Dice, a Dice Holdings, Inc. service, is the leading career site for technology and engineering professionals. With a 20-year track record of meeting the ever-changing needs of technology professionals, companies and recruiters, our specialty focus and exposure to highly skilled professional communities enable employers to reach hard-to-find, experienced and qualified technology and engineering candidates.

Two Ways How Professional Values and Ethics Can Impact Career Success

Do you know how professional values and ethics can impact career success for you? You may not be aware of it, but values and ethics are very important in business. In fact, it doesn’t matter what industry you work in. You will find that having good ethics will get you much farther than you would without them. This may actually seem counter-intuitive in some industries, such as sales, but it’s true even then. Here are the top two reasons why you need to have good values and professional ethics to succeed in business.

1. People will know that your word is good. This is very important in any industry. When you have solid professional values and ethics, your clients and co-workers will know without a doubt that your word is to be trusted and that you mean what you say. This will make you well respected among those with whom you work every day, and will eventually put you in the coveted “go-to” person position. When it is known that you can be relied on and trusted at your word, you will find yourself going far in any profession. Read the rest of this entry »

Executive Business Coaching – 5 Ways You Can Benefit From Leadership Coaching

1. Change The Way You Think

Executive, Leadership and Business Coaching will challenge you to completely change the way you think about your life, your job, your organization and of course, the challenges and obstacles you encounter everyday. The right coach will enable you to identify opportunities and core issues in any situation and choose the best solutions by eliminating distractions.

2. Develop Unique Insights From Unusual Perspectives

Coaches come from all types of backgrounds: law, business, science, medicine, psychology, politics, government and just about any others you can dream up. The right coach will be well versed in a multitude of disciplines in order to draw in the right knowledge, stories, experience and questions to help you discover completely new ways of thinking.

3. Create Truly Groundbreaking Solutions

The right coach will enable you to find connections between things you would never have thought of connecting or even mentioning in the same sentence. You will be challenged to take the innovative path rather than follow the traditional and tried-and-true ways of doing things. You will explore groundbreaking alternatives rather than focusing on just one goal.

4. Become a Synthesizer

The right coach will help you figure out how people who are different can work together productively. They can enable you to routinely observe people’s strengths, limitations, likes, dislikes, interests, skills, or emotional triggers. With this information, you can choose the right people to work together so they can reach their goals more quickly and efficiently.

5. Activate Your Ideas

Turn thoughts into action. Being impatient is a good thing. The right coach will empower you to put 1-4 above altogether and focus your action with unrelenting execution. The only question is, why don’t you have a coach?

For more information about how you can benefit from coaching, contact us today or take our 5-minute Leadership Assessment and receive a personal response within 24-hours.

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