Environmental Management – How Going Green Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Small-business owners often think of ‘going green’ as a double-edged sword. On one hand, many think of going green as the right thing to do to support the environment and the local community. Yet many also see it as an extra expense that cannot be recouped.

As a small-business owner, what should you do? Is the amount of time and money you’ll spend on going green worth the investment?

The answer is: Yes. Go green. More and more companies are going green every day.

Most small-business owners do not know that environmental management can be beneficial to the company in ways that go well beyond helping the environment:

· From an internal operations perspective, going green can actually reduce costs and help avoid liabilities, as well as present unexpected business opportunities if your company can provide an environmental solution to others. You can even go so far as to obtain certification from an independent third party so you can include their logo or “ecolabel” on your product and other green marketing materials. Ecolabeling helps market your product to green-conscious consumers.
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Handling Complaints Without Making Things Worse

The email comes, or the phone rings, and there’s an absolute flood pouring right at you. “Hey, you didn’t do what you said you would do. This didn’t work as advertised. You goofed!”

Yup, a complaint. Ahhh! A complaint?! But you poured your heart and soul into it, how could they complain?

Then you take a breath, and you read what they’re asking for, and you realize… they were right. You DID make a mistake. Things are goofed up, perhaps badly.

Time to hang up your hat and go work in a cafe?

Well, no, not really. But it can sure feel that way. Why is it that when you get a complaint it always stirs you up?

I could say it’s a gift from Source (and it is) but let’s not go there immediately. Before you try to figure it out, take a moment, or two, or an hour, or even half a day, for yourself.

That’s right, you don’t have to respond immediately.

Not every complaint is going to shake you, but when they do resist the urge to respond immediately. Instead, take time for yourself to feel upset, to connect with your heart, and to realize that perhaps it’s not as bad as you might think.

Once you catch up to your heart, then it’s time to respond. Let’s take a look, shall we?

We apologize for any inconvenience…
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Keep Your Small Business From Going Under

Most people start their business off by plunging quickly into debt. A year or three later, they cannot seem to figure out why they are struggling to get by. The problem is, they started to quickly and upped their risk; they created a scenario where everything must work in order to be successful. They have no exit strategy. This is one reason that so many small businesses fail quickly.

In a debt-ridden society, the concept of starting off small seems rather bizarre. How do you do it? Here are a few tips to starting a debt-free business.
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Does Your Marketing Pass the 5 Second Test?

Do you receive Junk Mail? About 60% of all the mail I receive is junk. Now how long does it take you to pick up an item of mail, open it, decide that it’s of no interest and bin it? The usual response I get to that question at seminars is “We don’t even open most of it”.

How long do you spend deciding whether an advertisement or article is of interest? When you walk past a trade show booth how long does it take to decide if it’s of interest? How long do you look at each result when you use a search engine? How long to decide if an email is junk and delete it?

The answer is “Less than 5 seconds” – often less than 2 seconds.

That is how long we have to Get Attention from a prospective buyer. And there is no reprieve –once our message is rejected or ignored, there is almost no chance that someone will return to it.
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Opportunities And Tips For Women Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs are stretching their limit to manage their household and their business.
They are sensitive to their needs and are willing to spend time looking for their business.
Luckily, the world is generous to provide a lot of opportunities to women who would like to
have their own business.

One of them is the home based business. Now, there are a lot of possibilities for you to
choose. Do you love pets? Do you like to cook? Do you like to spend time with children?

Start your business in your house so that you can save the traveling and investment to start
a brick and mortar business. Plus, you can keep an eye on your home while running your
business. Earning the money you need while enjoying the comfort of your home. Isn’t this an
ideal business?

After you have decided what business you want to do, the next step is to promote your
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