Understanding the Importance of Supervisory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious problem that affects many employees and organizations. Research indicates that 90 percent of the Fortune 500 companies have at one time or the other dealt with a complaint of sexual harassment and that more than a third of them have faced lawsuits related to this issue. It’s also a fact that this problem in not limited to the largest or most profitable organizations.

Recognizing Sexual Harassment
It’s essential for everyone who supervises employees to have solid understanding of what sexual harassment is and to know how to recognize the implicit and explicit warning signs of dangers that put themselves, their employees, and their companies at risk. While some occurrences of sexual harassment in the workplace might be obvious, this is not true in all situations. Managers who are not properly trained often allow risky behaviors to take place simply because they do not fully understand what is considered sexual harassment.

While many supervisors realize that there are two forms of sexual harassment, (1) quid pro quo and (2) hostile work environment, many of them don’t realize that there is such a thing as third party harassment. They are often surprised to learn that harassment complaints can legitimately be made by workers not directly impacted by harassing behaviors at work, yet who are subject to observing or being exposed to implicit or explicit conduct of a sexual nature in the workplace.

Additionally, supervisors often have the misperception that sexual harassment can only take place between supervisors and subordinates. The truth is that sexual harassment in the workplace can take many forms. Companies can have liability in situations where harassing behaviors are allowed to take place that involve supervisors, subordinates, peers, customers, vendors, and contractors. This fact is something that everyone who holds a supervisory position needs to know.

Preventing and Responding to Harassment
In addition to knowing how to recognize harassment, managers must know why it’s essential to be proactive in putting a stop to such actions, as well as how to do so. Many supervisors are shocked to learn that their companies are liable for sexual harassment that occurs in the workplace whether or not they were aware it is taking, or has taken, place. It’s vital that managers know the appropriate way to respond to complaints of sexual harassment if such are made, regardless of whether or not they believe the allegations to be valid.

Supervisory Training is Essential
The best way for companies to reduce the risks they face regarding sexual harassment in the workplace is to start with a solid sexual harassment prevention policy and to follow it up by taking steps to ensure that their managers have a working knowledge of how to deal with inappropriate behaviors and allegations of sexual harassment. Ongoing supervisory sexual harassment prevention training for supervisors should be a key component in every company’s comprehensive risk management plan.
About the Author
Mary G. White, M.A., SPHR is the Training Coordinator for Mobile Technical Institute & MTI Business Solutions, where she specializes in human resources management and supervisory skills training. She teaches open enrollment classes for MTI, provides on-site corporate training, and frequently speaks at conferences and association meetings. MTI also provides a variety of consulting services, including HR Consulting, custom database development and website solutions. Register online for MTI’s next seminar on Sexual Harassment Prevention or other business training topic. Call 251-478-6848 to schedule an on-site training session for your company or association.

Foundations of Supervision Training (Mobile, AL)

Mobile Technical Institute presents Foundations of Supervision, a Success Seminar Series management track class, on August 15 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the MTI campus in Mobile, AL. In today’s highly competitive and fast changing business environment, successful managers understand the importance of continuing to improve their supervisory and coaching skills throughout their careers.  MTI’s in-depth management training seminars are designed to provide new and seasoned managers with practical skills and knowledge that can be applied on the job. 

Focusing on practical training for managers and other professionals, Foundations of Supervision emphasizes both the procedural and human aspects of effective management.  Topics covered in this supervisory training seminar include: planning, budgeting, resource allocation, delegating, scheduling, staffing, training, employee motivation, human resources, meeting productivity, and other important managerial skills. 

Seating is limited. The class fee is $99, and preregistration is required. To reserve your seat or to request additional information, call 251-478-6848 or e-mail .  Continuing Education Credit is available for a wide variety of professional occupations, including PHR/SPHR HR professionals (strategic credit) and Alabama social workers, nurses, and nursing home administrators. 

See www.mobiletechwebsite.com for a complete schedule of upcoming management training and other seminars.  MTI also provides on-site corporate training services as well as speakers for conferences and association meetings. If you’re not in the Mobile, AL area and you’d like information on bringing this seminar to your company or association, call 251-478-6848.