Costa Rica

Thanks for the article from Laura Ryan

I was watching directv deals and a show about the Costa Rican jungles came on. I was really interested to watch it because my husband and I had just gotten back from the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica. We stayed at a great Eco Lodge called Lapa Rios. It was pretty difficult to get to the resort. You had to fly into San Jose and take an hour plane ride to a small town on the Gulfo de Dulce. Then, you took an hour (very bumpy, some of the road was washed out) car ride to the resort. When you got to the resort it was magnificent. The wildlife was all around. The area was really rugged. Monkeys swung from the trees and toucans cawed above you. The coolest thing to me was that the area has the largest Macaw population in the world. Macaws are the bright red beautiful parrots. I couldn’t believe how many there were. The cutest were the little baby Macaws. We really saw so much wildlife and got some really great pictures. I hope that we will be able to return to Lapa Rios one day with our family because we had such a good time.

Expand Your Business with an SEO Reseller Program

Are you looking for a way to expand your company’s business? Depending on the type of business you are in, you might find that becoming an SEO reseller is something you should consider doing. If you are providing business consulting, public relations, advertising, web design or other similar services, offering search engine optimization to your clients may be a great way to increase your revenue while building stronger relationships with your existing clients, as well as attracting new clients to do business with you.

While developing and offering SEO services without benefit of a reseller program could be quite time consuming and divert you away from the focus of your business, that is not the case when you choose to resell SEO services. Instead of spending your valuable time and energy trying to put a search engine optimization program in place and keep up with the ever-changing world of SEO, you can simply provide package options to your clients and let the experts with the SEO company you’re reselling for handle the technical details. It’s a win-win scenario no matter how you look at things. You’ll be able to offer more services without diverting your limited resources and clients will get more value from their relationships with you.

Self Publishing for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, have you often thought that it would be beneficial to publish a book related to what you do? Do you feel that you have something to say that people could really benefit from hearing? Would you write a book if only you didn’t have to deal with the stress and hassle of trying to find a publisher? If you can answer yes to these questions, you might want to consider investigating whether or not self publishing companies are a good option for you.

If you were holding of on starting to write your book because of the stress associated with traditional publishing, you’ll find that the landscape of the publishing business has changed quite a bit over the past five or so years. Now that self publishing companies have caught on, it’s much easier for entrepreneurs to become published than in the past. While not all self publishing companies are set up the same way, you aren’t likely to have to spend a fortune to get published. Some will allow you to get started with an order of as few as 25 books. There’s no reason to hold off on writing your book. Why not go ahead and get started today?

Getting a New Cell Phone? Sell Your Old One

Like many small business owners, you are probably considering investing in a new mobile phone. With so many great new phones coming out on the market with advanced features and special bells and whistles that were not available even a few months ago, it only makes sense to consider upgrading what you have.

If you’re going to get a new cell phone, though, keep in mind that there still might be someone out there who can benefit from the phone you currently have. Rather than placing it in a drawer or file cabinet or – worse yet – throwing it away, consider selling it. It’s not difficult to sell mobile phones that you no longer have a use for. Doing so will ensure that your old equipment gets put to good use and provide you with a way to recover some of your original investment.

If you like the idea of selling your current cell phone when you purchase a new one, be sure to research the various options that are available to people who are looking to sell mobile phones. Do through research online via a quality price comparison website so that you can find out where to get the best possible price any time you are looking for information related to the topic of how to sell mobile phones that you no longer have a reason to keep.

Benefits of Automated Software Testing

Are you tired of spending so much time and money on your software testing needs? Are you struggling to find a solution that will give you the results that you need without forcing you to tie up so much of your time and resources on the testing process when you should really be focused on development, customer service, and business development. You just might find that cloud based automated software testing is the solution that you have been searching for.

Imagine being able to take care of all of your testing needs without having to spend time (and bandwidth!) downloading large files or purchasing expensive software testing equipment. Those are the exact problems that you can expect to avoid when you opt for a cloud-based automated software testing solution instead of dealing with your testing needs the same way that you’ve always taken care of them.

You’ll be able to save time and money – which will make your business more profitable and efficient while allowing you to take the best possible care of your employees and customers. You owe it to yourself – and them – to find out just how beneficial automated software testing can really be.