Are you interested in learning more about prepaid credit cards? It seems that more and more companies expect their customers to use credit or debit cards to make financial transactions. However, it’s not always a good idea to charge merchandise on traditional credit cards. It can, after all, be a bit too easy to run up more of a bill than you can really afford, resulting in significant interest expenses. However, using a debit card that’s tied to your primary bank account – the one that all of your bill payments come out of – may also not be a good option for incidental purchases. That’s where prepaid credit card payments come into the personal finance product mix.
What is a Prepaid Credit Card?
A prepaid credit card is not the same thing as a traditional credit card, nor is it identical to a debit card. Instead prepaid credit cards, are almost like a cross between the two. A prepaid account, such as a , for example, allows you to make purchases up to the total dollar amount that you have added to the card account. The “credit limit” is set based on the amount of money you use to fund the account, making prepaid credit cards a great way to have access to an electronic means of payment without going overboard on your spending.
Why Use A Prepaid Credit Card
There are many reasons that a prepaid credit card can be beneficial – and preferable to traditional debit or credit cards. When you use a debit card, the card could literally be used to spend up to the maximum amount in your bank account. If you use a traditional credit card, you could use the card to spend up to a total of the maximum of your credit limit.
While sometimes having access to your whole bank account or credit limit might be desirable, that is not always the case. If you’re on vacation or if you want to provide your teenage child with spending money, for example, allowing access to a debit card or a true credit card could be quite dangerous. With a prepaid card, however, you can fund the account with the exact amount of money you are budgeting for the occasion – whether it’s a trip, a shopping spree, a visit to the college bookstore, or for any other reason.
Prepaid credit cards are also a good alternative for individuals who are not eligible to open checking accounts or credit card accounts due to problems in their credit history. With a prepaid card, individuals who have credit problems aren’t limited to having to keep track of cash for all of their financial needs.
Is a Prepaid Credit Card Right for You?
These are just a few reasons that opening a prepaid credit card account might be beneficial to an individual. Only you can decide if this personal finance option is one that meets your own needs.