10 Office Products For Your New Year Order

If you’ll be assessing your stationery and office products stock at the end of the year and decided what to include on your order for the start of the new year, this list can help. Here are 10 useful products that every office needs.

1. You’ll need to make sure the office has plenty of paper ready for when everyone comes back after Christmas, from A4 paper to notepads and fax paper.

2. The end of the year is a great time to get organised, so having a supply of files and folders to back up digital files and store away contracts and other important information is a useful exercise.

3. If you’re going to be planning for next year, then there are going to be plenty of boardroom meetings coming up. Why not order in a new whiteboard, so your staff can throw out ideas and discuss what’s on the horizon?

4. No office can do without envelopes as there will always be situations that require postal correspondence. Having a good supply of c5 envelopes, for instance, could be extremely important.

5. When the new working year comes around, your staff may be slightly bleary-eyed while trying to readjust to their early morning starts. Having plenty of office coffee and tea in the kitchen will be gratefully received.

6. In the run up to the break, there may be a number of things that people will need to remember for when they come back. With a healthy stock of post-it notes in the stationery cupboard, your team can make a note of all the important things coming up.

7. That first week back in the new year is often more hectic than usual and everything in the office needs to run smoothly. The last thing you want is the printer or photocopier running out of ink or toner, so make sure you have plenty of inkjet cartridges and toner cartridges ready for any situation.

8. One product that has its place in every office environment is Sellotape, as it tends to come in handy more often than people anticipate.

9. Unstapled documents can lead to a messy office, lost information and arguments in the office, so make sure you’re well stocked up with staplers and staples.

10. Spring cleans aren’t just for the spring and it’s a good idea to leave the office nice and tidy for when you return in January. Having a useful supply of office products will ensure you can then keep on top of the office’s appearance.

If you’re looking to place a year-end or new year order, make sure you include plenty of office coffee, printer paper, staplers and anything else you think your company will need in the new year.

At OfficeProductsMarketplace.com you can find a wide range of office products to choose from, including inkjet cartridges, post it notes, lever arch file ranges, white board products, A4 paper and much, much more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Berry-Smith

5 New Year Resolutions for Business Growth

Ready for a really new New Year? Resolve to step outside your comfort zone, listen to intuition and get ready to grow your business as never before.

(1) I will claim my bragging rights.

No more needless apologies or excuses. No more “This is probably a dumb question, but…” or, “I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but…”

(2) I will step outside my comfort zone with at least one marketing program.

I’m considering direct mail, google adwords…and maybe podcasting. Forecast: a wild ride head.

(3) I will listen to my intuition more, even when I’m learning from the most brilliant, wealthy, powerful gurus on the planet.

Everyone is wrong every so often. Or they’re wrong for your particular situation. Or they’re having a bad day.

Here’s an exercise. Review your strategies. What’s worked best to bring clients, money, or success? I bet each one has a touch of serendipity and/or your own intuition.

(4) I will take at least one piece of business advice that I resist (maybe it seems counter-intuitive) and see what happens.

When I first learned about copywriting, I resisted the idea of promoting myself. On a smaller but significant scale, I resisted buying a book of phrases for copywriting and using a headline generator. Now I can’t imagine life without both those tools: tiny steps with huge impact.

Of course, if someone suggests you sell all your possessions and move to a tent in Idaho, I would say no. Sometimes you’re resisting for a really, really good reason.

(5) I will honor what I need to stay energized and motivated.

What do you need for yourself? Music? Exercise? Live performances? Movies?

What chunks of time work best? I find if I steal a whole day or a full afternoon, I return energized and ready to take on most any challenge. The dog goes to daycare. She returns ready for a long, long nap, which frees me up to act on those challenges: a true win-win.

Some of my colleagues and friends prefer to work non-stop for weeks and even months, then take a complete vacation.

Whatever works. Do it.

Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D., coaches and creates copy for service professionals who want to promote themselves without sounding sales-y. Free download: Your 5-Point Online Marketing Checklist http://www.GoodCatMarketing.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cathy_Goodwin,_Ph.D.

Publicity Temperature: How hot is your campaign?

Guest Post by Todd Brabender, President of Spread The News Public Relations, Inc.

When is comes to your business or product, the amount of heat you apply to your publicity campaign can be the difference between success and failure. Too much publicity heat and you’ll get burned, not enough publicity heat and your campaign won’t be “well done”. (I know, enough of the het references already) Believe it or not, parallels drawn between publicity and heat/fire can help you determine the right temperature for your PR campaign.

I like to think of publicity campaigns in three publicity degree categories:
Flash Fire Publicity; Controlled-Burn Publicity; Firefighting Publicity.
Each has its proper time and place – and can be used accordingly to benefit your business.

This is the type of publicity that ignites a quick and sometimes short-lived media-interest blast for a venture. It is most often used for pitches that may have a relatively short shelf life. You’ve heard of the phrase “15 minutes of fame” – in keeping with the theme of this article we’ll call it the “15 minutes of FLAME”. This type of publicity campaign generates almost immediate media placements and can burn itself out after just a few weeks. But, given the right tending, it can also be the precursor to a more extensive, lengthy campaign – that, of course, all depends on your publicity goals and your PR staff’s ability to reach those goals. Flash fire publicity is many times tied to a particular date, time period or current event. For example — remember the recent stories about the increased number of injuries resulting from scooter accidents. A client of mine was in the final stages of developing a scooter safety product when the report came out. We quickly tied up our loose ends and launched our campaign right after the Consumer Product Safety Commission released their report to the media. Our pitch proved to be a great media interest vehicle and generated a number of immediate stories in newspapers and TV news affiliates in the U.S. & Canada. (This campaign has now progressed to the “controlled burn publicity” phase described below.) Perhaps it could be likened to cooking. Flash fire publicity can be seen as the quick, high-heat searing that is done to prepare the food for further cooking — that of course can be followed by differing temperatures to get the /food job “well done”.

More directed, even-tempered publicity heat is applied in the “controlled-burn” campaign. The controlled-burn is more methodical and lends itself well to product/website launches designed to generate a continual flow of sales or traffic over a long period of time. It’s much like the common practice of burning prairies and pastureland done by conservation or wildlife workers. The fires are started deliberately, meticulously and burn slowly over a long time span. These controlled fires cover a large area of land and by the time they are complete, the field is more manageable, fertile and ultimately more prosperous. The same principle holds true in a publicity campaign. Creating controlled media exposure and placements (newspaper/magazine stories; broadcast stories/interviews) over a long period of time helps strengthen a business/product’s roots in the marketplace. The controlled, long-term exposure leads to increased brand recognition, consumer awareness and acceptance – all without placing a single ad. Spreading the media placements out over a number of months helps prevent against the flash of multiple, simultaneous media stories and the subsequent “wall of fire” consumer response that may inundate your sales fulfillment capabilities for a short time. By being in control of your publicity temperature, you can effectively stoke the fire OR contain the flames to create as much publicity as your business can accommodate at any given time.

*** Some publicity campaigns are a series of flash fire pitches, while others incorporate a combination of flash fire and controlled burn tactics. The key is to create that initial spark of interest for the media, and keep the embers glowing over the next several months/years by fanning the fire with periodic newsworthy media releases and pitches.

Hopefully your PR specialist will never have to use this element of publicity for your venture or business. Firefighting PR is a reactive publicity campaign that is implemented when something bad has happened or is about to happen in your business – product recall, employee layoffs, earnings shortfall, etc.. It is very difficult to give general advice on this type of publicity because each situation must be handled very carefully, taking present AND future implications into consideration. Regardless of the situation one thing is certain – truthful, forthright media relations are best to douse the flames. One thing that hurt a tire company recently is that they spent the first few weeks pointing fingers at others before finally taking at least partial responsibility. The quicker the problem is recognized, acknowledged and resolved, the quicker you can begin applying the previously mentioned publicity practices to generate more positive publicity for the next several months.

The success of your venture’s publicity campaign depends on your PR department/specialist’s “fire watch” expertise — knowing when/how to ignite the fire, fan the flames, or extinguish the blaze. Here’s hoping the perfect “publicity heat” leads to some “cold cash” for your business.

About the Author

Todd Brabender is the President of Spread The News Public Relations, Inc. His business specializes in generating media exposure and publicity for innovative products, businesses, experts and ventures.


New Year’s Resolutions For Work

Take the time to reflect on how your business or career was over the past year. Develop some resolutions to incorporate in your business or career that will help you build your business and give you a better work-life balance. Here are some suggestions for new work resolutions.

Marketing Your Business
Many business owners or sales people do not spend enough time on marketing. You should not abandon the marketing of your business even during economic hard times. Make a resolution to focus on how to market your business. Attracting new customers is going to increase your business. Create a marketing plan and spend time weekly on implementing your plan.

This year join an organization or business group. Many businesses find great success by networking with other businesses or colleagues. You should also make a resolution to join some of the internet’s social networking sites. These sites are the newest way of networking for business and boosting your career. Many times you can network with some businesses that might be interested in a joint venture. As well, it is a great way to stay connected to your industry.

This year decide to learn something new. Make one of your work resolutions learning something new to add to your skills. It is very easy to return to school or take a course to improve your skills. There are many certification programs or online courses available. You can even make the decision to learn something unrelated to your business but that you have a desire to learn. Doing so will give you great pleasure and give a work-life balance. This is also a way to reach out and market your business the new people you may meet.

Plan Your Business
Many people only take the time to evaluate their business at the end of the year. Make a resolution to review your business weekly. A weekly evaluation will help you determine what is working and what needs to be eliminated sooner. Implementing a weekly business evaluation will help you avoid costly mistakes and stay focused on your business. This year commit to eliminating parts of your business that are not working.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions – Six Sigma Online (http://www.sixsigmaonline.org) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_Jacowski

Seven Tips For a New Year, New You – Refresh Your Business Brand

As we begin a new year, it is time to refresh your business brand and present a new you to your target niche. Using my seven tips, you will present a new you to prospective customers and clients while increasing your credibility and developing your expertise.

1. Toss the t-shirts. This is the year you upgrade your business appearance for you and your employees. This is the year you toss the t-shirts and start wearing a polo shirt with your logo on it or adopt your industry uniform. T-shirts are cheap, comfortable and unstructured. As a business owner, you want to present a polished and professional appearance. Bakers and restaurant cooks may want to adopt the professional chef or bakers’ appearance for 2010. Take a few minutes, look, and see what your competitor is wearing. Your business will stand out from your competitor this year when you adopt a uniform that promotes your expertise.

2. Review your marketing materials. Now is the time to review your marketing materials and replace any items that have an incorrect mailing address, phone number or email address. You will also want to replace any inventory that has become worn or faded. Your marketing materials represent you make sure they do not make you look bad.

3. Update your copyright dates. Business owners need to make time to review their websites to ensure the copyright date is current. People do check the copyright date and use it to determine if the business owner and his or her employees are still in business. They also use it to judge how up to date they are on the latest industry trends. If the date is outdated, customers see the business as outdated. Attention to detail is important for you and your business to succeed.

4. Update your online business listings. Getlisted.org is a great resource to that will show you where your business is registered online. Business owners may be surprised that they are not listed where they thought they were. You will also want to review your listings online to ensure they are correct.

5. Refresh your content. Review your website content and your marketing materials. Is the content still current? Does it still reflect your mission and vision for your business?

6. Remove the holiday images and greetings. Now is the time to double check that you removed the holiday greetings, videos, or pictures from your website or blog.

7. Verify your business links. Does your business link to other businesses? Do you use links in your email tag line? Now is the time to verify the link works.

When business owners make time to use my seven tips, they will present their business in a positive manner for the New Year. This will aid in establishing the business owners credibility so he or she is seen as the expert, which will result in an increase in business revenue.

Jaynine Howard is the debt free business coach, who teaches business owners how to grow their business and increase their profits while remaining debt free.

She retired from the United States Marine Corps in 2002 and currently resides in Jacksonville, North Carolina. She is the author of Coach Jaynine’s Business Boot Camp and the upcoming Coach Jaynine’s Profit Center Blue Print.

To get your free e-course Networking Detox: My 5 Secrets to Networking Success visit http://www.networkingdetox.com, email or telephone 910-539-2810.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jaynine_Howard

Jaynine Howard - EzineArticles Expert Author