New Year’s Resolutions for Small Business Owners

As the year draws to a close, it’s a good idea for entrepreneurs to take a deep breath, review the past year, and make some positive resolutions for the New Year to come. While there is not a pre-set list of appropriate resolutions for small business owners to use, here are a few ideas that you may want to consider.

  • Update your company’s employee handbook.
  • Perform a training needs assessment on your workforce.
  • Establish a formal employee training program.
  • Improve your record keeping systems.
  • Consider going paperless, or at least reducing the amount of paper that is produced.
  • Conduct an internal audit of your I-9 files.
  • Review your ongoing expenses to determine if there are areas that you might want to cut.
  • Look for a new small business credit card with more favorable terms than your current account.
  • Shop around for better deals on telecommunications contracts.
  • Start a customer appreciation program.
  • Implement a formal employee rewards and recognition program.

Look closely at utilization of employee benefits programs to determine of changes may be needed.

These are, of course, only a few of the many resolutions you may want to consider that can help you build your business in the New Year. No matter what you decide to do, start planning today so that you can be sure that next year is your best one yet!

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