Advertising Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you are certainly aware of just how important it is to get the word out to prospective customers about what your company has to offer. There are many different ways to approach promoting your company, including advertising on radio stations that target consumers in your local market to broadcast television advertising on a national, regional or local market basis, cable television advertising, online advertising, social media promotions, out-of-home media and much more.

With so many different options, it’s easy to get overwhelmed when you are trying to make decisions about where and how to advertise. Rather than just purchasing ads from whatever sales representatives contact you the most frequently, it’s important to put together an advertising campaign that allows you to make the most of the funds you have available to use to advertise your business to target customers.

Choosing the best method for your business is a function of clearly indentifying your target market in terms of geographic region, demographic characteristics, psychographic traits, and media consumption habits and preferences. You must have that information in order to make a wise decision about what media mix represents the optimal use of your marketing dollars. You have to know who you are trying to reach before you can design a campaign that will ensure that your message is delivered to the right people at the right time.

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