Three Sponsorship Ideas for Conference Events

Are you involved in planning a conference event for a professional association? Offering educational conferences is a great way for professional organization chapters to add value to their members, and they also provide a great way for chapters to raise funds to support their projects and programs. Selling sponsorships is one of the best ways to bring in money from this type of events. Here are a few sponsorship options to consider:

1. Name Badge Sponsorships

Sell a name badge sponsorship that will involve having custom lanyards  created with the sponsor company’s name and log printed on them. Use these to provide admission badges to guests so they are visible throughout the event for maximum sponsorship benefits.

2. Speaker Sponsorships

Sell sponsorships for each speaker, allowing the sponsoring company exclusive access to distribute marketing materials to session attendees, as well as to introduce the speaker for the session being sponsored. Allow a very brief (90 seconds or so) pitch at the beginning of the speaker introduction and be sure to have a chapter representative thank the sponsor out loud at the conclusion of the session.

3. Food Sponsorships

Sell sponsorships for breakfast, snack breaks and the luncheon portion of the conference. Include sponsor signage and literature on tables where food is set up and on signage directing participants to the areas where they need to go for food and beverages.

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