Becoming a Manufacturing Industry Purchasing Agent

Are you thinking about becoming a purchasing agent for a manufacturing organization? If so, you’ll certainly be tasked with a wide variety of product and service sourcing and buying tasks. Not only will you need to find reliable, affordable suppliers for the items needed to successfully run the office operations of your company, you’ll also have to do the same for raw materials, manufacturing equipment, plant safety supplies and more.

Equipment and Supply Purchasing Examples

Among the many different things you may have to purchase when you go to work for a manufacturing company are:

Forklifts – You may have to purchase entire forklifts, as well as parts and maintenance services for forklift equipment that your company already owns.

Conveyor Belts – You may need to source a gravity conveyor or other type of conveyor belt for your company, or find pallet rack replacements or other parts for what the organization already has in place.

Safety Supplies – Manufacturing business have to keep a wide selection of personal protective equipment and other safety supplies on hand. Be prepared to purchase items needed for safety, as well as identify and contract with vendors to provide safety training and safety inspection services.

These are only a few of the many types of purchasing you’re likely to be responsible for if you seek employment as a purchasing agent for a manufacturing organization. The work is never likely to boring; instead it’s likely to be quite interested and challenging on an ongoing basis.

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