Eight Easy Steps You Should Take Before You Interview For a Job!

Are you about to participate in a job interview? Preparation is the key to a successful interview, one that may earn you that much-desired job. Here are simple steps you should take before the interview.

1. Know something about the company where you will interview. Before your interview ask for a copy of the job description and any marketing materials published by the company.

2. Know where you are going and how to get there. Be certain to have gas in your car and the right directions. If someone else is taking you be certain they have gas in their car. Showing up late for an interview is a big taboo.

3. Be conservative in your attire and neat and orderly in your appearance. Dress for distinction, not distraction. First impressions count. A poor impression will surely put you out of the job race.

4. Bring only your charm and a few necessities. Be respectful of everyone you meet in the company, from the receptionist to the interviewer. Lugging a suitcase full of uneccesary items will bore the interviewer.

5. Carry current identification. Bring references, driver’s license, social security card, green card is applicable.

6. Be on time for the interview. It is common courtesy to be on time for any appointment. Promptness is the first sign that you are really interested in the job.

7. Handle the tough interview questions with confidence. Outline on paper your work history, skills, talents, and accomplishments. Be able to explain the holes in your work history.

8. Make a timely and polite exit. Remember to thank the interviewer and anyone else who assisted with the interview. If you must ask questions, ask only pertinent job-related ones. Boring the interviewer is a sure-fire way of not getting a second interview.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachel_Ingegneri

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