Customer Services Courses That Promote Creativity

Tough Economic Times

Create Innovative Customer Service Opportunities

Customer Service Courses that recognize the creative opportunities that exist in a troubled economy can provide untold benefits for companies willing to challenge their old CS paradigm.  If a company is unable to raise prices, customer service becomes a natural source for keeping customers who otherwise could be lost.  How?  By employing innovative customer service techniques that go beyond the traditional delivery of good customer care and increase value to the customer.


One of the oldest tools both sales and customer service managers use to retain current customers and improve sales opportunities for new ones is to gather staff and brainstorm.  The benefits are several.  First, customer service courses focusing on vigorous employee improvement recognize that it improves staff morale.  Improved staff morale has, of course, a positive trickle-down effect on customers.  Second, brainstorming often unearths valuable suggestions that a company’s customers have asked for but might otherwise be unknown during better times.  Third, brainstorming for creative ideas that keep customers happy can lead to improving overall customer satisfaction.  And fourth, it can often reduce costs and even increase revenue.

A Few Examples

New ways of delivering excellent customer service when economic times are tough can actually lead to a more efficient operation and even attract new customers.

  • Exclusive shopping opportunities—Provide advance sales opportunities for select clients that are closed to the general public.  This simple procedure incurs little increased expense and can retain existing customers and even attract new customers.  It can be done either in ‘brick and mortar’ stores, offering close-store specials, or online by providing customers with passwords to shop early and save money.
  • Virgin America challenge—Most U.S. air carriers do not offer internet access during their flights.  Virgin America is the exception until a few other carriers began experimenting with free in-flight internet access as times got difficult for the airline industry.  Southwest Airlines is one such carrier that has offered this service on select flights as a way to both keep and attract customers.
  • Call Center bonanzas for customers—some customer care call centers have incorporated the old radio show technique, providing specials for call-in customers.  Information or announcements can be posted on a company’s website or through e-blasts that announce contests such as “Be the 3rd caller describing your most satisfied experience or favorite product with our company and win X, or get X percent off your purchase.”
  • Restaurants cash-only days at 10% off—this can include 10% off meal price for credit-card only days, check-only days and reservations-only days as a way to appeal to customer’s desire for savings.

The above examples are just a small sampling of ways your company can keep customers happy during rough economy patches, while providing exceptional customer service in the process.  Customer service courses that incorporate creative solutions to sales challenges train staff to become partners in ensuring the health of the company in which they work, not to mention make for happier employees in the process.

For additional information about customer service courses, please visit for further details.

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