Becoming a carpet cleaning business owner is a wonderful way to increase your income and make a good living. The carpet cleaning industry brings in good money all year long in good times and bad since it is recession proof business. there will always be carpet in the need for cleaning. This type business is quite easy to start since it requires no heavy capital, no prier experience or education.
Machines can be purchased for a couple of thousand dollars. You can start your search on the internet which will bring up some good results. Some machines are way to big to fit into a car so it is easier if you have a van, pick up or truck of some sort for these type machines. There are newer models of machines on the market today that are smaller, but just as powerful as the bigger machines. Since some of the newer models are smaller they easily fit into most cars. The feedback from people who own these powerful newer models are very good. These machines save them money since they don’t have to buy a van to carry it around, they are light weight, and they have new technology that makes the older bigger style machines obsolete.
When entering the industry you have a choice to either specialize in home carpet cleaning or do businesses either it be offices, retail or restaurants. Usually if you go the home carpet route you can clean during the day but when cleaning carpets of businesses it is usually done in the evening/night hours after the business has shut down for the day. It is really up to each person and the hours they decide they want to work. Of course there is no rules that you can’t do both home and business carpet cleaning since the newer machines can handle the carpets of either a home or business.
One thing to take in consideration is that home owners usually don’t have their carpets clean more then a couple of times per year so it might take a bigger cliental of home owners to reach the same profit as someone cleaning only a few offices. Office/businesses usually have their carpets clean much more frequently since there is more foot traffic in these places and they need to keep a nice, fresh appearance for their customers.
Some of the good things about having your own business is you are free to make your own hours, there is no meetings to sit through, no boss over looking your every move, no time clock to punch, and best of all have the free time to enjoy the money you make. It is a business where you can easily earn $500 a day and $1,000′s on a weekly bases working part time. Thousands of people have achieved great wealth by owning their own business and this is because people are willing to pay good money to have fresh clean carpets in their home/business.
Advertising for a carpet cleaning business is really not a big deal. As long as you provide a professional service and do a great job for each of your clients the word will spread like a wildfire, you will have more then enough clients seeking you out for your services. Of course when you are just starting out you will need to do some advertising like send out some postcards, set up some flyers, hand out business cards and soon you will be receiving calls for your service. Before you know it your bank account will be filling up with a very nice income which will continue to grow as you get new clients.
Even though some of the newer carpet machines are light weight, powerful and easy to work with some people just don’t like any kind of labored work. If you are someone who just can’t see them selves cleaning carpet, that’s okay, this type business can still work for you. For those who do not wish to do the labor they can simply invest in the machine(s) and supplies. and hire one of two reliable, good working people to do the actual labor. It is up to each business owner, they can pay them a nice hourly wage or split the profit from each job. Though it is known if you pay someone a good wage then they will take more pride in the job which in turn will make your business look more professional.
I have just informed you with some benefits of starting a business. I hope this article has shined some light on the opportunities that a carpet cleaning business can provide you. It surely has given many people the chance to live the good life. Just look how many new homes and business go up each year, each of these homes/business will have carpet that needs to be cleaned and for this reason this makes the future of carpet cleaning a very good one.
Grant Callihan has resided in California for 20 years. He currently enjoys helping people find good businesses to get involved in. To make your search on carpet cleaning business/machines easier visit the website. Must mention code CL 5596 when contacting Dry Tech Systems Article Source: |
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