How Online File Sharing Can Make your Business More Efficient

CloudIf you run a business, you’ll want to all you can to make sure you’re not spending too much on essential and non-essential services. This includes the annual outlay on IT services including servers. Many businesses need servers as they’re seen as being a secure place to both store and share massive files, but they can be expensive to own and operate, as they constantly use electricity. Many servers cost several thousands to run each year, leaving people to contemplate other alternative means of file sharing, such as online file sharing which is offered by companies like Egnyte.

You might think of it as being far-fetched, but it’s possible that your business could store important files in a secure location online, and thanks to the likes of Egnyte, that dream has become reality. By using ‘cloud’ technology, you can store and share important documents on the web and access them as and when you like on any device with an internet connection.

Using online file storage can help your company to become more efficient in a variety of ways. In doing so, it makes it easier for employees to work from home, as they can access the cloud as and when they need to from their laptop or PC. Meanwhile, the technology allows you to analyse, amend and organise the files in the cloud with ease and no fuss whatsoever. Files stored and shared on the cloud can also be accessed much more quickly than on a server, especially if outside of office hours.

Aside from being easy to use and time-saving, cloud technology is also much, much cheaper than owning and running a server. Servers can be heavy and bulky, and take up a lot of space, which can be used for other important things. The cost of using cloud technology is never more than a few hundred pounds, dollars or euros annually, while it doesn’t use up any extra electricity, so the money saved from not owning a server can be much greater than your realised.

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