Free Phone Numbers Are Essential to New Businesses

Business Phones

Business Phones

Starting up a new business in a competitive market can be tricky. With the new business failure statistics still looming at a discouraging rate you really need to have as much help as possible navigating the minefield that is the curse of the start-up business.

One great tip to instantly have customers on your side is the acquisition of a free telephone number. You may be of the understanding that revenue can be generated from using premium lines but, certainly in the field of customer services and overall satisfaction this might not necessarily be the case. Initial revenue may be gained from this avenue but long term customer happiness will not be met when your clientele are spending a fortune on getting in touch with you.

Free phone numbers are especially integral to companies whose products and services are of a technical nature. If what you are offering your customer requires substantial after care, or are of an obscure nature where advice cannot be secured from other sources, you really need to make your customer feel they have an open dialogue with you as a company. Premium phone lines do not reflect this idea and create a barrier between you and your customer.

Non-geographical phone numbers are great for new businesses that wish to create a façade of a larger organisation but paid for phone lines are not the only way to do this. A simple 0800 number can connote the same impression of grandeur without the price tag for the customer. There are also loads of websites now that offer consumers geographical alternative to premium lines. Shrewd customers will use these avenues and your national frontage will be exposed anyway.

Online companies such as 08 Direct offer 0800 numbers with a wide variety of packages, such as professional call directing set up and welcome messages at a really good price. This way, your customers will still see you as a potentially national and therefore more trust worthy established company as they haven’t had to seek out an alternative to a premium line. The term 0800 is so entrenched in our society today that the simple mention of a number starting with that number instantly puts your customers at ease.


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