Why Invest in Spyware Virus Protection?

One of the biggest worries for anybody that uses the internet is spyware virus protection. There are so many spyware programs all over the internet that can easily monitor all of your browsing habits and use it to give your passwords and credit card information to the wrong people.

Do you see that your computer is all of a sudden slower than it used to be? Does the booting up take more time than you could ever recall it doing before? Is your computer always showing you ‘pop up’ ads even though you try to prevent it? Has your homepage changed all by itself?

It is a 90% surety that you have adware if you answered yes to all of these questions. Everybody who is browsing the net is at risk of adware. It will simply install itself onto your computer directly from a website. You do not even have to have ever downloaded and installed a program on your computer to be a victim.

Highly skilled programming gurus are today putting their talents into negative projects like making malware. These will closely monitor everything you do on your computer and then give all this delicate information to advertising companies.

These advertising companies will then bombard you with banners, pop up ads and even take control over your homepage making it their own site just to make sure they grab your attention.

Spyware programs differ greatly from viruses in that they do not self-replicate once they have penetrated your computer. They are also not created to be malicious. The biggest problem for net users is that the spyware are rapidly evolving into programs that can easily disable your computer just in the same way a virus could.

Anti-spyware software programs are your only solution to this problem. Even the inexperienced can quickly use them to restore their computers to normal.

Invest in spyware virus protection if you really care about your identity and credit card information.

Shoulder strap bags or canvas duffle bags will aid you carrying your baggage.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Shorn

Reinterpreting Moore’s Law: 1960s Vision, Current Reality

Guest Post by Mitchell Habib, COO, Nielsen Company
In September of 1962, John F. Kennedy articulated his now famous vision that launched the U.S. space program: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade.” These words set into motion a space race that culminated in Neil Armstrong’s moon walk seven years later on July 20, 1969. If you read the full text of Kennedy’s ’62 speech, his space challenge was part of a larger theme, namely the breathtaking pace of technological change being harnessed for the future. Kennedy’s was just one of several visions about scientific progress in the ’60s that would transform the world.

Another was a powerful prediction that completely changed the technology industry and its economics. In 1965 Gordon Moore, one of the founding fathers of the computer industry (he co-founded Intel), created one of the most widely known principles in the field of IT. Moore’s Law predicted that the number of transistors on a chip would double about every two years. It further promised lower costs and increased innovation as a direct outcome.

To maintain status quo in today’s marketplace, it is imperative for business leaders to develop strategies for technology and data management based on Moore’s prediction and take proactive steps, including: 1) Invest wisely – find the right strategic partners; 2) Start small, learn and gain some early wins; 3) Organize for success; and 4) Think differently about data.

For forty years the industry has focused on the cost / productivity side of Moore’s prediction, for the most part ignoring his more subtle but also more powerful message about the accelerating pace of innovation. In hindsight it’s not surprising that the pace of innovation and our ever increasing appetite for technology have driven overall IT costs higher. This is now creating pressure on operating plans and tension between CIOs and CFOs of corporations whose CEOs had expected IT costs would be declining because of the populist belief regarding the trajectory of the IT industry.

It’s the availability of better technology and the insights it makes possible that feeds our growing appetite for data. Companies today collect more data than ever before; they use powerful algorithms to find patterns in the data to solve all sorts of real-life problems that were previously unsolvable. A 2008 International Data Corporation (IDC) study projected that, in 2010, the world will create over 1,200 exabytes of data (an Exabyte is 260 bytes of data – see “Overload” graph at right). This projection rings true, and retailers and FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) manufacturers have become increasingly proficient at finding new insights in large amounts of data. This data historically was aggregated because the complexity of queries required it, or because disaggregated data didn’t exist or was too costly. Read the rest of this entry »

Why Develop Mobile Database Applications?

Mobile database applications are an effective way to streamline business processes and ensure that end users always have access to the critical corporate information they need to do their jobs. Although large enterprises tend to be the ones that invest most heavily in mobility, smaller businesses can also benefit from mobilizing their data.

“Mobile” is Not the Same as “Online”

Some people equate “mobile” to “online”, but they’re not the same thing. Online applications require a consistent and dependable network connection to an external server. Browser-based applications are the classic examples of online applications.

A truly mobile application, however, is an application that continues to work even when network connectivity is lost, unlike an online application. Being “disconnected” from the network does not stop the application dead in its tracks. This is an important feature for many users. Many mobile workers move in and out of network coverage on a regular basis while doing their jobs but need information to be “always available”. Online solutions don’t work well for these kinds of workers.

Local Data = Speed and Convenience

Mobile applications work best when they include some kind of local data store. By keeping important data local to the device, the user is insulated from network connectivity problems. Data operations are faster (no network lag) and can occur at any time. This results in a much better and less frustrating experience for the user.

Of course, using a local data store makes the design and implementation of the mobile application more complex. Even if the application works standalone, without the network, eventually some kind of data exchange must occur between the local data store and one or more external servers. Depending on the design of the application, keeping track of changes and dealing with potential conflicts can be quite challenging to manage. Mobile database applications often take longer and more skill to develop than their online-only equivalents because of this.

Saving on Network Costs

Besides offering a better user experience, mobile database applications can also yield significant savings in network costs. Data costs on mobile networks can be surprisingly high when using online applications, especially browser-based applications. The continuous back-and-forth between the device and the servers hosting the application racks up network charges quite quickly. A well-designed mobile application, on the other hand, requires only minimal use of the network by exchanging changes to data instead of entire data sets.

While the upfront costs of developing mobile database applications are typically higher than online applications, the savings on network costs can be quite substantial and make these applications must more cost-effective than their online equivalents. It’s certainly something to consider the next time you develop or purchase a mobile application.

See why SQL Anywhere is ranked as the #1 mobile database software in the world. Download your free SQL Anywhere copy today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_Giguere

Eric Giguere - EzineArticles Expert Author

What is a Microsoft Small Business Server?

Larger companies have many servers that have different technical roles. For the sake of an example let’s pretend “some big company” has larger companies such as fortune 500 or fortune 100 companies have many servers that do different things. Examples are:

Multiple Domain controllers / file sharing role Multiple SQL / databases Multiple Exchange servers And so forth…

Let’s pretend that this organization has 50 servers and each one has its own role to do something specific for the computer network. In theory this would mean that this company has 50 separate physical nodes setup in a computer room to control the computers for this company. In today’s world this would be consolidated using computer virtualization but that is getting off topic so I’m not going to get into that in this article and will discuss virtualization in another article later on.

Now let’s pretend you are a small business owner and you need to share files, share a database and share calendars or whatever other roles you may want or need.

This means you would have 3 physical servers and 3 different server operating systems.

Now with a Microsoft Small Business Server Operating System you get 1 computer server that has multiple roles built into 1 nice neat package. So you can have that file server and that database server and an exchange server all combined into 1 neat little package. This saves the small business owner money.

Microsoft states the SBS – small business server will support up to 75 computer users / workstation computers. In theory it will but in the real world if you have 75 computers connected to a SBS server you can expect very poor performance.

From my experience I will say that Microsoft SBS servers are pretty cool IF they are properly configured with the right hardware and software. I have seen many small businesses have an SBS server that were NEVER configured correctly or are just being used as a simple file server. In such a case the SBS server isn’t necessary and is a waste of money for the business owner.

So without getting into technical details this concludes what a Microsoft Small Business Server does.

If you are thinking about purchasing a new server for your business get to know a computer consultant and find out if a Small Business Server will benefit your organization.

Thank you for reading my article and I hope it helps you have a better understanding of what a Microsoft SBS – AKA Small Business Server is.

Chris Ondo – Central Florida Computer Engineering
CFCEcorp.com- blog.cfcecorp.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Ondo

Chris Ondo - EzineArticles Expert Author

Reviews on SQL Database Recovery Tool

Searching for an appropriate solution to get your corrupt database repaired? Finding problems in accessing with the SQL Database and now ant to have a finest repair solution? So this is a place where you can have an immediate solution for repairing your entire damaged SQL Database. With making use of my sql repair tool you can immediately find your database out any type of corruption. This does make use of all scanning algorithms with which this performs a wide scanning of the damaged SQL database and do get the damages out of the files very soon.

As there are number of causes which are highly responsible for damages in the files as such malfunction of software, hardware problems or attack of virus. Besides this human generated errors are also responsible for damages in the database. But out of all this factors also this very SQL Repair option can make clear of all types of damages from the files. This fixes out database and recovers al lost files. This software is found well compatible with all MS SQL versions as such SQL 2000, SQL 2005. Even if on accessing the files any kind of error message get appeared than these too gets solved with this database repair tool.

Features of SQL Database Recovery Tool:-

• Make an efficient repairing of Database
• Damaged SQL files can also be repaired back soon.
• Easily fix down all mdf errors.
• Make a recovery of SQL backup files also.
• Well designed database recovery tool as data can be preserved here.
• Supports all SQL Versions.

Normally I too faced up with some of the corruption issues in my SQL Database, so to get rid up with this problem I too used this tool and now got finished up with the damage issues. This is really a perfect used tool for all types of files and data. This does repair all forms, Reports, triggers, tables, queries, stored procedures in finest ways. This is simply used tool and this has effective user interface.

Lina do share her experience of damaged sql database and how she got her database back with the use of My SQL Repair Tool. She has used it and find it as one of the best database recovery option.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lina_Rezy

Lina Rezy - EzineArticles Expert Author