Decisions, Decisions…

I started my own business recently, so I’ve been shopping for a new laptop so that I can work from wherever I am. Business is going well, but I just can’t always be there and I need a way to stay connected when I am out and about with my family. I’m torn as to which laptop I should get since I want something high quality, but money is tight. I found a few good deals for PCs, but I still don’t know if I should spring for a Mac. A few of my friends say that it is totally worth the extra money, and others say that the PCs out there are just as good. I have never had a Mac, but I hear they are easy to learn and have so many great programs on them. The difficult thing is that they are almost double the price of the PCs. I am going to think about it for one more week but I have to make a decision soon. One thing I know I will do once I buy the computer is sign up for Clear 4g internet so I can have internet access wherever I am.